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Hi guys and welcome back finally !!!
Sorry for the wait but I did some work at home and had to sit still for a while.
But now I'm back stronger than before!💪💪💪 with photonic lights !!!☄️☄️☄️
Igrox is the brand
Taurus s is the model
Led samsung and Italian manufacture, the top.
I bought 2 modules and as soon as they arrived I felt like an impatient child, beautiful.
A little expensive, I must tell you the truth, but the quality seems to pay off all of them.
Ultra powerful !!!
The substrate is my usual mix. (proportions for 100L)
Light mix soil 40L
Perlite 30L
10L coconut fiber
Humus warm 20L
Bat guano Kalong 500g
I increased the perlite and decreased the coconut for a lighter and more draining mix.
I germinated in wet paper and when they came out of their shells I placed them in small pots, with a transparent glass on top to create a microclimate.
After a day they stood up, fine.
I waited for the roots to come out from under the pot and placed them in their final home.
At the bottom of each hole or put 1 teaspoon of Aptus Mycorizze, to stimulate the production of roots.
I want to thank @james from Rqs who gave me the opportunity to test this strain.
It will be a fantastic ride.
Thanks everyone for stopping by and happy growing!🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back !!!😉
What can I say, these girls are growing visibly after the transplant, certainly thanks to a more oxygenated soil and the Sensi Grow who are pushing really hard.💪
The leaves are relatively long and well serrated at the ends. Typical beautiful marijuana leaf !!!
The color here too is a nice bright green and not too light. Great!😍
I performed the Lst technique on day 12 because I was a little afraid to do the topping and I didn't want to stress the girls further.🤞
I slightly increased the amount of water to half a liter each and enlarged the wetting diameter so as to develop more open roots.👍
Oh nothing, another week is over in a great way, there is still little to say but stay tuned for new updates!
Thank you all for stopping by🙏 and happy growth.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back !!!😉
The third week is gone too and this girl looks great.
It really grows exponentially and has a beautiful, very strong and durable structure.💪
The leaves are large and thick, of a light green color, but not too much.
The branches are very stocky and thick, amazing !!!😍
I removed the larger panels as soon as the twigs had their own leaves to let in more light.
The height I stated is 15cm, but if I hadn't folded it it would be at least 35cm
Oh nothing this week is gone too.
Thanks for watching 🙏and stay tuned for exciting new weeks.
Good week and hippy growing🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back !!!😉
Triple G is a wonderful plant !!! really beautiful.😍
She has a fantastic structure, Lst worked really well on her.💪
Big and strong branches start from the main trunk and each of them looks like a small autoflowering plant, with other very resistant branches.
I count at least 9 main colas, plus the apical one.👍
It grows very well, I'm in love.
But now the leaves show minimal signs of overfert on the tips, a little yellow and withdrawn, as if burned!😅
A couple of more days and I will change the lighting program, just enough time to stabilize from the last defoliation.
I can't wait to make it burst into bloom, I'm sure it will please me when you see the buds filling those fat branches!🤤
Eh nothing even this seventh ended. Thanks for watching and stay tuned for new updates.🙏
Good week and good growth everyone.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back !!!😉
Normal week, this girl's growth is fantastic, the main arms are sturdy and with very nice and strong internodes.👍
The leaves are wide and long, nice fans, of a light and bright green.😍
I also started giving it some flowering fertilizer to get it ready for production.💪
Oh nothing even for queata week that's all.
Thanks for watching and tune in for new updates.🙏
Have a good week and happy growing everyone.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back to my channel !!!😉
Sorry for the few photos this week but I've been very busy, I'll make up for it with amazing photos of the flowers.🙏
Fantastic week!
All the girls have gone into bloom, I love to smell this spring scent in the box, still indistinguishable from each other, but it's very good.
the structure is beautiful, the Lst worked well and the main arms are detaching the others in height, amlrno 10cm.💪
I reversed the amount of nutrients and next week I will focus on flowers, perhaps with some bloom boosters👍.
Also for this week it's all guys.
Thanks for watching and stay tuned for new developments.🙏
Have a good week and happy growing.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back !!!😉
Great this week!🤙
The structure is really fantastic, it amazes me every time I look at it.
6 main branches have surpassed the others and the apical one dominates all. The flowers are emerging and little hairy buds have already formed.👊
The color is always great, beautiful bright.👍
I gave a last dip with some more Sensi Grow earlier in the week to finish the tank, and then added Green Sensation by Plangron to Sensi Bloom.
It looks like a great product and has a charming, dark phosphorescent green color. Amazing.💪
I keep defoliating once in a while to open the sites below and air out better👍.
Even for this week it's all friends.
Thanks everyone for watching, stay tuned for new updates.🙏
Have a good week and happy growing.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back to week 8.😉
The Triple is now the undisputed queen of the box, big, strong and fast
Compared to the cousins, Wedding seems a week ahead.
She has grown again this week, but I think we have almost reached the max height.💪
Now he is devoting all his energies to forming buds, which are beginning to see well and are filling with white pistils.😍
Earlier this week I used some more Lst and defoliated to open the bud sites to light👍
Now it's starting to smell a bit ..... very good ..... mostly sweet but with sour / diesel notes.🤤
Eh nothing! that's all for this week too.
Thanks everyone for watching and stay tuned for new updates.🙏
Good week and happy growing🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back here!😉
Really, the most beautiful plant I've ever grown. It never ceases to amaze me with its size, thickness and resistance.💪
I think now it has reached the maximum height it will grow just the length of the main tip.👍
Now even the smell overwhelms me!
The smells in the stall are all starting to mix, but she is unmistakable there in the middle. Strong scents of sweet, sweet, sweet candies. just sweet.
It's really yummy !!! less frosty than you would expect but too fragrant.🤤😍
She's also very thirsty guys, she looks like a mythological beast. We are now at 3 liters every 2 days and I think he also wants more nuts, as well as water.😱
Eh nothing! that's all for this week too.
Thanks so much for watching and stay tuned for new updates.🙏
Good week and happy growing.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back !!!😉
Week 10 has also come to an end and the super girl seems to have slowed down. I expected the buds to get fat visibly and instead it seems a bit static.🤔
Nothing serious anyway, she seems to be doing very well. She's beautiful!!!😍
Fortunately the temperature has stabilized this week, the heat was beginning to be felt. Great!👍
I think next week I'll add some fruit sugars to the nuts to get as much sweetness out of the flowers as possible.💪
Oh nothing, that's all for this week too.
Thanks for watching and stay tuned for new updates.🙏
Good week and happy growing.🌱🌱🌱
Hi guys and welcome back with me!!!😉
The girl is gaining weight well, very well now, so much so that today (day 77) I had to put some supports for the big cobs that are being created.
It is really huge and all the tips are more or less the same fat, except the apical one which dominates the others.
I'm too excited.🤤😱🤤
I defoliated just a little to give more light down on day 74👍
I had to add some wooden poles to reinforce the structure on day 77 because the buds are putting on a lot of weight and I think I'll put another one on tomorrow and add a couple of ropes around to contain it.💪
Eh nothing! that's all for this week.
Thanks everyone for watching and stay tuned for new updates.🙏
Good week and happy growing !!!🌱🌱🌱
Ciao ragazzi e bentornati nelle settimane finali!!!😉
Scusate per le poche foto questa settimana, ma sono stato via per lavoro e sono rientrato solo oggi.🙏
Ho deciso che da oggi scriverò i miei report nella mia lingua originale, sia per i miei connazionali Italiani e sia perché GD traduce comunque tutto.😜
Queste settimane sono le mie preferite, quando vedi che i boccioli ingassano per bene e gli odori ti fanno capire che è quasi il momento. Una primavera nella mia stanza.😍
La Triple sembra davvero massiva e densa, le cime sono dure e allungate, tipo pannocchie. Mentre i boccioli sottostanti sono a forma piramidale ma affusolata.
Brillano di luce propria e fanno sembrare il fiore ancora più verde acceso. I pistilli sono ancora belli spessi, ma incominciano a ingiallirsi.👊
Ho dovuto mettere dei paletti agli angoli del vaso e legarla tutta intorno perché il peso dei boccioli era insostenibile, soprattutto per i rami più esili, ma anche per quelli grossi.🤦♂️
L' odore è forte e molto buono, ma non come la cugina Wedding, che ha preso il sopravvento nel box.
Lei odora di caramelle dolci con delle note di cioccolato e gasolio, ma il dolce prevale.😋
Finalmente ho aggiunto degli zuccheri golosi per le mie ragazze. Forse un po' tardi, però loro sembrano aver gradito, aumentando a vista d occhio la loro grandezza e aroma.
Ho diminuito la quantità degli altri nuts, visto che siamo agli sgoccioli e ho aggiunto un prodotto per rinvigorire la flora batterica in modo che assorba meglio i nutrienti in queste ultime settimane.💪💪💪
Eh niente! anche per questa settimana è tutto.
Grazie a tutti per aver guardato e restate sintonizzati per gli ultimi 🙏fantastici aggiornamenti.
Good week and happy growing.🌱🌱🌱
Ciao ragazzi e bentornati qui con me!!!😉
L Triple è davvero pesante i boccioli iniziano a cadere tutti per il peso.😱
Forse non è ancora matura come la cugina Wedding, ma il clima dalle mie parti sta diventando insolitamente umido e ho paure per la muffa date che è molto resinosa.
Quindi taglierò lei domenica prossima, proprio come le sue cugine, anche se una settima in più gli avrebbe fatto sicuramente bene.👍
Ho annaffiato lei con 2.5 litri di acqua nel giorno 86, ho lasciato asciugare bene e poi nel giorno 91 altri 2.5 litri.
Ora aspetterò circa sette giorni che il terreno secchi a dovere e domenica prossima taglierò la bestia.👊
Ho eseguito una massiccia defogliazione nel giorno 88 per concentrare l energia nelle pannocchie dense.💪
Eh niente! Anche per questa settimana è tutto amici!
Grazie per aver guardato e restate sintonizzati per l'ultimo fantastico aggiornamento.🙏
Buona settimana e felice crescita🌱🌱🌱
Ciao ragazzi e bentornati nel mio diario!!!😉
La Triple è pronta!
Domani taglierò lei e la appenderò nel box.👊
Sembra fantastica!😍
Pepite dense e dure si ergono da metà pianta in sù, hanno il diametro di circa 4/5 cm e l apicale misura almeno 60 cm.💪
L odore del box è forte, ma la triple è completamente sovrastato dal profumo della cugina Wedding. (Passa trovarmi nel diario di lei).🙏
I tricomi sono belli grossi e brillanti e il 70% dei pistilli sono diventati arancioni e la parte sotto delle foglie ha preso u colore rosso/violaceo.
Ho innaffiato lei l ultima volta nel giorno 91 e l ho lasciata a secco per 7 giorni così il terreno si è seccato per bene.👍
Eh niente! Anche questa corsa sembra giunta al termine.
Grazie a tutti per aver guardato e restate sintonizzati per il report sul raccolto.🙏
Buona settimana e felice crescita🌱🌱🌱
Ciao ragazzi e benvenuti finalmente nell' ultima, ma migliore pagina di questo diario!!!😉
Ho tagliato la ragazza nel giorno 100 e dopo 7 giorni appesa nel box ad un umidità del 60/65% era pronta per la cura.
Ho lasciato che riposasse nel vetro per circa 2 settimane prima di iniziare ad assaggiarlo. Ed ora è fantastica!!!👊
La crescita della Triple G è assurda! Grande veloce e forte!!!
Un tronco principale si sviluppa vigoroso al centro, da cui partono numerosi rami laterali, anch'essi molto resistenti. Ottima per LST e Topping!
Applicando LST la pianta è letteralmente esplosa! Raggiungendo anche i 120 cm.💪
L odore è ottimo, davvero molto buono. Dolce e fruttato, molto inebriante e poco pungente, ma soprattutto facilmente nascondibile!👌
Dopo un po di cure....
L aroma dopo 2 settimane sembra cambiato e migliorato!
La dolcezza è protagonista, ma si sono uniti anche profumi di terra e legno. 😋
Il sapore è incredibile! Tra le più buone che abbia mai fumato!!!
Dopo il primo tiro la tua bocca è in estasi, dolci note di cioccolato bianco incontrano il profumo della fresca resina di pino per un connubio perfetto, che ti lascia in bocca una buonissimo sapore dolce.🤤
L High è forte, rilassante e di lunga durata!
Io personalmente sono abituato e preferisco le varietà indiche, e questa è uno sballo in tutti sensi.😱
Dopo metà fumata circa inizi a sentire tutti i muscoli sciogliersi e rilassarsi, e pian piano arriva fino agli occhi.
Inizi a viaggiare e a dimenticarti di tutti i cattivi pensieri.
Ottima per oziare di giorno e perfetta per sollazzarsi di sera, soprattutto dopo una giornata di lavoro!!!🔝🔝🔝
Eh niente ragazzi anche questa corsa è finita alla grande! 🤙
Vorrei ringraziare @James della RQS per avermi dato l opportunità di crescere il loro fantastici strain!🙏
E soprattutto grazie a tutti voi per avermi seguito e sostenuto!🙏
Good luck and happy growing🌱🍀🌱
In sintesi questa è una varietà fortemente consigliata a tutti, che in circa 15 settimane può darvi circa 100g ganja a pianta di ottima qualità👍☄️💪
Ancora grazie a tutti per aver guardato e un ringraziamento speciale anche a tutto il team di GD!!!🙏🍀
@Rwein93,^you may find your watering regime... i think thats the hasrdest part of indoor growing
plants that size ususally dont take more than 100-150 ml a day... but its quite warm in your tent,, i would always check by " potlifting method" if they need water or not......
and no I dont fertilise for around 4-5 weeks, then I start if they are fading getting yellow. but here its the same,,, depending in your growmeium
you grow in coco and humus,,, ther should be agood number of nutroients into
but if you feed i wont overfeed... so around EC1000... is agood number for seedlings
actually I noticed that for the other girls I'm growing up it's a bit too much but the Triple seems very thirsty ... do you recommend decreasing the same? ... and maybe increasing the nuts? many thanks in advance!!
Looking like some nice girls there mate hope it does well I have grew this strain last year gone back to her because she's amazing some of the best I have grown smell, taste,look, it is out this world
@Abigwhiteguy,I guess brooo !!! thank you very much ...... I can't wait to collect me too !!! .... if you like you can leave some Like ... thanks again friend and happy growing!
They look nice, i wont compare grows from your Space ot mine, we have different conditions, you darlings will need alittle longer, but they look very happy, and going to stack up
you may start to use an additional P+k booster
I looked closer, and i could not see a big difference between your and ine ... congrats... you will see how they start to stack...