The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Leg OG Punch | Purple Quest Candidate #4

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 10, 12, 15, 17
weeks 10, 17
weeks 3
weeks 3
biobizz - Allmix
Grow medium
25 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
4 L
50 cm
INTRODUCTION ------------------ When I started to grow, in 2020, I had one objective: Find a strain with a "Purple taste" as I used to say it. I met that specific taste and smell only 2-3 times. In Amsterdam (NL): Purple Diesel and Sunset Sherbet, And also a Purple Kush in Canada, which was the best one. I grown a Blackberry from FastBuds, a Purple Kush (auto) from Buddha Seeds, and last attempt : A Sherbet Queen from Royal Queen Seeds. Unfortunately, no one had the taste I'm looking for, even if Sherbet Queen and BlackBerry were really great strains :) This is my Thrid grow session, and I'll grow 2 genetics : This Legendary OG Punch from Royal Queen Seeds, which is verry promising on the genetic (parents) aspect, and a Blueberry auto from From Pevseeds. Those last months, I came up to the conclusion that the taste I'm looking for could be related to Mendo Purps parents, the parent of the Grand Daddy Purple. So I'm gowing to give it a try :) And 2 plants, just to be sure :D GROW DETAILS ----------------- I'll grow two Legendary OG Punch! Feeding: Biobizz feeding program, + TopCrop TopCandy Light: Veg at 18H of light/Day, and 12h during flowering. I'll switch to flowering between week 7 and week 9. All depend on how quick current jar get empty :D Techniques: LST, main-lining (nebula's method). And of course, I'll transplant to bigger pot during veg :) 4L -> 15L - 30L GERMINATION ----------------- 2 Seeds direct to 4L fabric pot. 1 germinated in 3 days, the second died, eaten by worms in soil! (see details next paragraph) So I started another seed, and that explain why one plant is 9 days Old and the other 2 days old. SOIL / PEST ALERT -------------------- I dediced to use some homemade compost, containing lot of life! This is risky and could turn bad. So I really need to keep pests under control for first weeks. After that, should be fine. I really don't like buying new dirt grow after grow, so I want to try some alternatives. DAY 01 DIFFERENCE ---------------------- Just to mention, since both plant haven't the same age. I'll count weeks and days for my diary, in relation with the younger plant. I'll make the older plant wait the younger one for topping, and this should make them at same stage.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
4 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
I been late to update my diary, and I missed week 2. I had differents difficulties to deal with, that I can explain this way : 1) I had to deal with some bugs, as expected, since I used some old soil and homemade compost. So I've been watering verry slowly, trying to get top dry as much as possible. 2) For the first time, I'm growing 3 differents plants at the same time, but at 3 differents stages, with differents pot sizes. So I lost myself with the differents watering needs of the plants and one been overwatered, when the other one underwatered. I already noticed in a previous session that I was terribly bad at keeping more than one plant at the same time. I always give more attention and care to one plant. It's like I was forgetting the second one. I can't think to two differents ladies at same time 😅 That's definitly something I must improve myself! Anyway, enough about myself ^^ RESUME OF THE WEEK : -------------------------- - Lady *One* been transfered to a 15L Pot (4L -> 15L). She been overwatered, and this been a quick fix to solve the problem. This was planned, but a bit later. - Topping (Main-lining / Nebula's method) on both plants. Not the same. Week 3 for Lady *One*, Week 2 for Lady *Two*. So basically, topped above 3th node. Lady *One* was a bit oldier, but the topping gonna help to make them closer each other. - Foliar Spraying BioBizz - Fishmix (1ml/L), 1-2 times a week. The remaining of the spray bottle is put on the soil of all my plants (so not that much). I noticed on previous grow session that fishmix was verry powerfull, better to use it slowly... - Feeding : Only BIo-Grow for now. 2 watering a week, one with feeding. PLANTS COMPARISON : -------------------------- Lady *Two* which is a 1 week youger than Lady *One* is looking more healthy. More dark green, a bit more fatter stem. Lady *One* is in a bigger pot, but she probabby suffered more of the soil bugs from compost. Lady *Two* been grown in only used soil, without compost..
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
4 years ago
33 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
25 L
1 L
42 cm
Nutrients 2
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 0.4 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Yes, I had a long break and did not updated my diary for a long time, needed some time for myself... What happend during all this time? Well, A LOT :D Switched light schedule to 12/12 on day 71 (first day of week 11). DIARY FOCUS ON LADY #2 : -------------------------------- I started the diary with 2 plants. They are both totally fine, but I decided to document only the more promising one, Lady #2 :) I'll keep posting pictures of Lady #1, there is one pîcture of both plant together on current week diary. But every photo details, comments, everything will be relative to Lady #2 from now :) I'm not applying the same LST on Lady #1, so Lady #2 get more space. That's the big difference between both plants. Every branchs of Lady #2 are at same level, but center ones from Lady #1 are way smaller (less LST : Less light) FIRST OBSERVATIONS WITH SOIL : -------------------------------------- For this grow session, I actually germinated 3 seeds of Legendary OG Punch. I did 3 differents "soil mix", reusing old soil, and adding homemade compost. Well, homemade compost for Indoor grow : Never again !! One of the 3 seeds never germinated. I had a look at it : she been literally eaten by worms. Found the seed sheel with worm going out of it 😖 Lady #2 was the only plant that had only brand new soil (biobizz - allmix), and it gave me the best results... I did some research... To use compost indoor, I should clean it from any pest by cooking it (oven). Well, I can't do that :D I also don't feel OK about buying soil again and again. It's not a matter of $$$, but just the non-sense of adding hundreds of litters of used soil to my garden after each grow. I may start to consider Hydro next year. Comment if you have any opinion, or suggestion about that :) BROKEN MAIN-LINING : ---------------------------- (See Picture 5) - One branch broke on second topping, when I was performing LST on it. I tried to save it, but it was really impossible to make it stay in the right place. And it was a full break... So 24h laters, when I knew for sure the branch was dead, I decided to cut the same branch on the other side of the main-lining, to keep the plant symetrical. And then, I re-topped remaining branch of both side of my main-lining. (Feels like a puzzle explaination, I hope this is clear enough :D). @Mrs_Larimar Reassured me about my choice. I was sad about my mistake, but she told me that my plant will totally recover and well, she was really right. It's like nothing happend... Yesterday (Day 70) I performed the last LST session on Lady #2 before switching to 12/12 light schedule :) I waited to see the plant looking a bit thirsty, to make branches bending easier and less risky. I will not go further : No enough space in grow room, and I need her to pass door to make the pictures ^^ GENETIC OBSERVATIONS : ---------------------------- - With cannabis, at some point, branches start to grow alternate, and not by pair. I noticed that this appeared right after first topping, so after node 3. - This genetic come with huge and longs stipules, it's crazy. Check pictures. Does it predict huge buds :D ? FEEDING : ----------- Plant been feeded with verry light doses of Fish-mix, since I know it's a powerfull product. The plant is showing verry small signs of deficiency, but I'm not worried about. I'm going to feed with recommended doses now since I'm starting flowering. I'm switching to Bio-Grow from now. I'll have to be vigilant about any more signs of deficiency, especially since she will start to stretch soon.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
33 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
25 L
2 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 0.25 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.75 mll
Last week I talked about a deficiency. The diagnostic was easy, I been using Nutrients as 1/4 of recommended dose (fish-mix), since I had issue with over-feeding with my last diary. BUT my previous grow was a way smaller plant, so she was probably less Greedy. Anyway, the deficiency wasn't that bad : Leaves a bit too light green, and One leave starting to have like brown spot. That's why I decided to feed her with an extra amount of Bio-grow and Fish-mix during this week. The deficiency been fixed, no other leaves got thoses brown spots, and globally, the plant is less "light green" now :) BUT, I'm seeing another sign of deficiency : The edges of some leaves is a bit red/Pink. I believe It's a molybdenum deficiency, and so, I have a PH problem. Too low ! My mistake was to not retest the PH of water before feeding. Because the nutrients added to the water changed, and this changed the value of the PH compared to Veg period. But I noticed this really on the begining of the issue, it's really not bad for now. I tested my solution, and changed the amount of Ph-Down I'm using for the next watering. Plant look Healthy, leaves praying all the times.... She showed first pistils 6 days after light switch to 12/12 schedule. Lady #1 (the second Leg OG Punch I'm Growing) got her first pistils out fter 2 days. I'm still verry impressed by the stipules this strain grow... They are sooooo long!
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
25 L
2 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Last week, I been talking about potential defiencies. I made a funny experience this week. Some leaves been nutrient burned, which occured because of 2 parameters : - Me trying to fix the little deficiency by enhancing feeding and spraying fish-mix on leaves. - The moisture retaining function from Biobizz - Bio Heaven, that make the plant more resistant to under-watering stress. I noticed since multiple week, that the plant (Lady #2) isn't showhing signs of thirstiness, even when the pot is reallly light and need watering. I can easily compare this with Lady #1, the second Legendary OG Punch I'm growing. Lady #1 really show quickly signs of watering needs (dropping leaves), when Lady #2 actually never show it. The difference : I'm using Bio-Heaven with Lady #2, and not with Lady #1. So what happened : Some of the higher leaves, the more closes ones from the light, got nutrient burned. The plant been water-feeded with a great amount of nutrient. She laterly been feeding with fish-mix by foliar application. But the plant was needing more moisture. I didn't noticed it. So some top leaves had a lack of moisture, and the nutrients abosrbed by the leaves burned it. Luckily, it was only concerning like 10-15 leaves, and all the new leaves looks totally fine now :) I had to perform some defoliation, so, perfect timing ^^ So, what I learned : 1) BioBizz - Bioheaven is really a plus regarding plant resistance. The plant can be low on moisture for longer without being stressed. 2) Biobizz - Fishmix shouldn't be applied on the end of your watering schedule period. You should waterspray your plant before spraying fish-mix, and at least 48h later. Make sure leaves NEVER get moisture stressed. Remember folks : Fish-mix in watering : Up to week 1 of flowering. Foliar : Up to week 2 of flowering. Even if the plant suffered from this episode, this was just a dozen of leaves, that were going to be cut during defoliation. I'm actually verry excited to sort-out this myself, and to notice the effects of the products I'm using. UPDATE ABOUT PESTS -------------------------- I been annoyed with a little amount of thrips since the begining. I was germinating plants for my garden indoor. This involve wet soil for multiple days... This didn't helped... But well, I want tomatoes this summer :D SOOOO I been using blacksoap, blue sticky paper, spraying water to keep this under controle. I'm not seeing any thrips since last week. I may use Blacksoap one last time, as preventive. Not sure yet. I'm in flowering, but still verry far from harvest so.... A part of my garden (near home entrance) is FUUUUUUL of aphid on wild carrots plants. It's crazy, it's a damn factory farm, they are soo fucking big. I must be verrrrrrry careful not to bring them indoor. They scare me so much XD Last year, when I grow my first plant, I used to place her outdoor when the weather was perfect : It's a NO GO ZONE this time :D
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
25 L
2 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
Just a quick update, not having so much time thoses days, having important stuff to do. Plants deficiency got worst, I wasn't abble to really fix it. They still produce huge flowers, with sugar leaves covered of trichomes like I never seen before. I'm sorry for not providing much details, I hope I'll be abble to provide more details in my next update.
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
57 %
19 °C
25 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 3 mll
I went on a trip with my BF for some days who was on holidays. So I made sure the plant were well hydrated, and I left the house with some windows open, to let my cat go in and out. When I came back from our little trip.... DAMN, i was smelling the plant IN THE STREET. I'm not sure what happend, but the plant reaaaaally did a huge step forward. Flowers getting fat and fully covered of trichomes, it's crazy ! I was amazed by my previous plant. Those 2 ladies are so much more promising, I wasn't expecting that :D So the smell becoming a problem ^^ It's not a dank smell. It's a sweet / fruity smell. But still, it must stay in home :D I ordered an air filter to reduce smell and keep this under control. Harvest is in less than a month, but I guess it will become stronger and stronger ^^ I performed a bit of defoliation on both plants, but I'm not gonna lie, it's still a bush, with lot of buds not reaching light. I don't want to go further with defoliation, I preffer having some smaller buds, it's totally fine. Feeding mention : I used BioGrow only once this week. In the past week, I fixed a PH issue, and so a nutrients lockdown. I believe that plant had enough to eat because of the lockdown. I'm bringing Bio-Grow back slowly to avoid nutrient burn. Update (week 16) : Air filter added to the grow room. It's simple charcoal air filter, with an air extractor. It extract 105 m³/h, so If my calculs are correct, the air inside the tent should be renewed arround 50 times / hour. This setup cost me less than $50, decent stats for that price. I hope it will make the job to keep smell inside ^^
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
70 %
19 °C
25 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
My friends, harvest should happend soon, probably next week :) Week 16 : I performed a kind of VLST (Verry low stress training ^^) : Bended branches to get them distant of the center of the plant, to allow more light to get to lower buds. I performed that right before watering, so the plant was easier to bend (learned that from previous grow ^^). Also performed some defoliation, and lower buds got way bigger 2 weeks after that :) 2 weeks ago, I ordered an air filter, to reduce plants smell, since It was noticable from the street... 😎 Well, this definitly helped a lot regarding smell. But this created an humidity problem. I have a dehumidifer, but it's not enough. The tent need to be fully closed for making the air filter worth. Sooo, not easy, I reached 80% multiple time those last days, it's not good at all. And the problem is that the weather isn't going to help : It's hot and rainy since 2 weeks, making temp/humidify regulation a nightmare. I'm following weather forecast everyday to know exactly when it's the right moment to open windows and refresh home air ^^ But it's going to be worst next week... I hope it will be fine.... I would harvest the plants 2 times, to give more time to lower buds. But this humidity problem may prevent me from doing that, since I will not be abble to dry buds somewhere else than i the tent. Well, this will depend of the weather for the next days. If global air humidity isn't too high, I may be abble to dry buds out of the tent, and so leave plants in it for like one more week :) Will see! I'm sorry, not that great pictures. But my photo setup is almost inexistant, and with plants of that size, I can't really do better. I will try to make great ones right before harvest, by using the grow light as a side light, out of the tent. Thanks for reading guys :) Spoiler: It will not be the strain I'm looking for Again 😌 Not the right smell 😢 Wondering how many years I'll need to find my "purple taste" again.....
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
50 %
19 °C
25 L
1 L
40 cm
Nutrients 1
Flushing / water 1000 mll
Last week of flowering before harvest! Luckily, the weather got way nicer with me during this week. Those last days, I had terrible humidity levels, reaching 80%! Was a new problem for me, happening because I was closing the growing tent for the first time, trying to keep smell indoor and not out of my house ^^ Weather made the air humidity verry low during this week, (30-40% outdoor), so I been abble to reach the expected 50% in the grow tent. Perfect for the drying process, which arealdy started ^^ I'm verry happy plants didn't suffered from this... It last one week, but no issue, beside leaves dropping down. Fun fact, Lady #2 who had bio-heaven during all the grow, was way more resilient to this, leaves started to drop like 3 days after Lady #1. I noticed in previous week that Bio-heaven was also helping with underwatering.... What an interesting product! Plants been harvested, and hooked upside down in the grow room. My cheap 50$ smell filter working verry well. It also creat a benefical airflow for the drying process. I had a sample, and I can already tell you that she's aptly named :D A little couch-lock effect, which is why I decided to not wait too much amber. Second important thing : she make me SUPER GIGA hungry. Haven't felt this since a long time. I litterally eated food for 3 days in an evening, going to bed and sleeping with bad stomach all night 😝 I'm going to organize myself about that, filling my fridge with the right food, either way I may become verrrrry fat in the next months 😝 Harvest update incoming ;)
Week 18. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
What an amazing strain! Nice selection RQS! Easy to grow. Making lot of branches. Less stacked branches than on my previous grow (Sherbet Queen by RQS), but way denser flowers. I got verry solids and heavy buds on the end! So I highly recommend performing topping, and main-lining, to maximize outcome. RESISTANCE : Had some troubles with thrips during veg, but I been abble to keep this under control by cleaning leaves with water and sometimes black soap. The plants started flowering 1 week after light schedule switch to 12/12, and they started to deal with thrips by herselves. I also had a terrible humidity issue during end of flowering. Reaching 80% multiple time during 5 days. No mold formation. Might be luck. But I believe that because she make more branches but less stacked, improve airflow through the plant and help with this. This making it an easier plant in my own (still noob ^^) opinion. SMELL ALERT : For the first time, I had issue with smell, and I had to buy an air-filter. Seems essential with this strain. BUDS REVIEW : Solids & denses, well shaped, shiny and covered with trichomes. RQS did an amazing selection work here. Taste : Hard for me to describe it (as always). One of the two plants came out with a less fruity/more earthy taste. It's a nuance, not a huge difference. She really make me think to OG Kush / GSC on the taste, a little bit more fruity. We are in the OG Kush familly, definitly. EFFECTS : Here we're talking!! Let's make it short: you'll get punched. She have a nice couchlock effect. Go too far and you'll get sleepy ^^ And at the same time, she make me talkactive, I found it easier to talk about abstract / personal subjects, which are usually not easy to me. She will make you SUPER hungry! I was amazed by that. As a long-time smoker, Cannabis isn't making me hungry anymore. But this strain bring back this effect, and I ended eating 3 days of food in an evening 😅 This is the best strain I've grown so far. Taking in consideration the growing process, buds quality & effects. AFTER 1 MONTH + UPDATE: - First, let's talk about the hash I made out of the trim. I'm verry impressed and satisfy with it. Was my first time doing bubble hash. The process was easy, and the outcome so great. After like one month, it became kind of oily, verry sticky. I'm not abble to make chunk of it, so I'm coating paper leave with it, and it's perfect. The hash developped a rich honey flavour, it's a verry pleasant smoke. - Secondly, regarding the weed: Taste changed a bit, and became less woody, more flowery. That definitly show how curring is important.
Show more
Spent 64 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
300 g
Bud wet weight per plant
74.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Sleepy, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Earthy, Flowery, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This is the best strain I've grown so far. Taking in consideration the growing process, buds quality & effects. This plant was my 4th attempt to find a specific taste I'm searching since I started to grow, in 2020. My "Purple Quest". Once again, it's not the right one 😔 But it's still the best plant I've grown so far. 10 Weeks of veg. Topping, main-lining (nebula's method), defoliation, LST. Everything went well :) But I may try to have a shorter veg period with my next grow. Arround 6-7 week. 8 weeks of flowering. Matching perfectly RQS estimations. Mention : Made 3.4g of Bubble Hash out of the trim of two plants (leaves only).


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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 14 years ago
Rqs is always a good choice.... but to get the purps,,, choose some sweet seeds.... " red family" they have abunch of reds/ puples/ black strains i grow a few of them and got a high rate on reds... my favourite is the dark devil they are awsome smelling and tasting... the variety is from light pink up to dark red nearly black,,, and they taste like flowers// arabic perfume and heavby lemon/ fruit Iam growing atm the Purple Queen from RQS... we will see ... but she already has lots of red and purple in the leaves and stems
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you :)
Mrs_Larimarcommented4 years ago
@PurpleWorship,so succesful finding
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Oof removed my own comment by mistake... But yes, Purple often taste earthy... And you are also right, sometimes it come with berry hints that surprise you times to times :) The "purple taste" I'm looking for isn't earthy or lemony at all. Be sure when I'll find it, that I'll stick to it for looooong time :D
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 114 years ago
Looking nice and healthy 👍 good job and good luck 👍
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
TrickOrTripcommentedweek 124 years ago
This is a strong plant 💪💪 fat stem !! Good job 👌
420_lanecommented3 years ago
@PurpleWorship, 1st of all hi 👋 And 2nd in having a bit of trouble in my tent. Some leafs are getting this brown rust spot on them, do you know what that may be ?
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@TrickOrTrip, Thank you :)
TrickOrTripcommented4 years ago
@PurpleWorship, congratulations for your harvest brother 🤠
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 154 years ago
Great Pictures of your outstanding Ladies. such well structured Girls
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you :) I'm honnestly not verry happy of my pictures... The problem is the weight of the plant, I can't really move it to take pictures out of the tent, it's too heavy and I hurted my back the last time :S Taking correct pictures with the light above the plant isn't easy. I'm happy it's still decent to you.
Lacrimacommentedweek 114 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
DreamITcommentedweek 154 years ago
Enjoy the rest of the flowering mate 🦄👍🍀
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 144 years ago
wow the whole plant looks like week 5 or 6 in flower.... already big buds, and fading leaves
DrDuhbotocommentedweek 104 years ago
I am really enjoying this diary and am Looking forward to your results. I agree with you that soil accumulation is such a pain. Instead of compost maybe consider making some sub cool super soil small batch. That gives you some of the broad organic nutrients and you can re use the soil easier than if it had been broken down outside. I use one of those spinning composters to make and age my super soil and you can keep it inside. 😀
DrDuhbotocommented4 years ago
Here is the recipe I use, I use a tumbling composter they usually have a divider in the center so you can age each side separately. This recipe makes enough for one side. so the first round you will have to make your batch twice and fill each side. You need to wait 6 weeks before its ready so It takes a bit, but if you only use one side up and then make a new batch and refill that side you will always have one side "cooking" and the other side ready to be used. Subcool’s Super Soil Recipe Improved, Small Batch : 1 ten gallon bag of high quality Organic Potting Soil Such as “Roots Organic Soil” 8 cups coco coir 8 cups perlite 3 to 6 pounds of Organic Earthworm Castings (1 lb. of casting = about 1 gal.) 10 ounces of Blood Meal ( 10 oz. of blood meal = about 1 & 1/2 cups) 10 ounces of Bloom Bat Guano ( 10 oz. of guano = about 1 cup) 10 ounces Fish Bone Meal ( 10 oz. of bone meal = about 1 cup) 6 ounces Rock Phosphate 1&1/2 tablespoons Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate) 2 tablespoons or 1 oz. (liquid measure)of Dolomite Lime 1 tablespoons or 1/2 oz. (liquid measure) of Azomite (trace elements) 1 teaspoon of powdered Humic Acid Drench with water in the composter. Spin Daily you should not have to add more water after the initial drench Use on bottom 1/5th or up to bottom 1/3rd then fill the rest of the pot with your base soil mix. For base Soil I use this recipe for each 5 gallon pot and I mix it indivually to maintain the ratios 4L of Blue sky organic potting soil or sunshine or promix 2 L coco coir 2 L ocean farms 2 L perilite 2 liters worm castings You can transplant a clone into a 5 gallon pot using this method and since it will take awhile for the roots to get down to the super soil mix you can feed with half strength nutrients right up until switching to flower. Once in flower they should be reaching the super soil at the bottom. Then I continue to feed at half strength organic nutrients with a plain water every other feed. The spinning composter is the big game changer for me once I got that this became so much easier. Hope you find some of this helpful, I enjoy your diaries ! @PurpleWorship,
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@DrDuhboto, Yeah, that make sense... The only right way to me is to find a way to reuse my soil. I been considering hydro, but then I remembered that I'll need non-organic nutrients that I can't make myself. Not working for me. What you mention must be the only way.
Luciditecommentedweek 104 years ago
I had problem with reusing soil. I def wasn’t going to use any garden soil. But i reused biobizz light mix and poisoned my plants. Not flushed enough. Lately I’ve been mixing old and new soil with better results. I don’t want to keep buying soil either but agree losing about 4oz I’m not risking it till I know more. I use biobizz too. biogrow, biobloom and topmax. I put the algamix and activera in foliar spray too. But when they run out i think i will just spray with water. Whenever i see deficiency i think lockout is more likely the reason.
Greenfingeresscommentedweek 34 years ago
Keep going or brill😊👍🌟
Harukisancommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with your new grow, hope you can find your Purple taste again 😎
GODSGIFT_2005_JMcommentedweek 154 years ago
very nice! keep up the good work 👌
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@GODSGIFT_2005_JM, Thank you :)
chee_52commentedweek 154 years ago
The house must have smelled great, too! Looks excellent 🖖🏽🌿
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 124 years ago
interesting lesson you learned,,,,😳,,,great you found out
ThePassionForWeed420commentedweek 104 years ago
Buona coltivazione e felice crescita amico 👏 👏
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 104 years ago
High bro, Is gets expensive buying soil every time. Ive actually started with garden soil and a bit of bought soil and compost. And the less garden soil And compost i add, the better it goes. I dont buy soil speciale brand for cannabis, but i get to look at ph levels and usage for veggies or spices. I like adding a 30% of seed and clone soil because its airy. Hydro is Deffenitly a great option i think in your case. Youve got it all sorted out so you will manage that. Im still not experienced enough for that transition. For that i need to upgrade my measuring devices to a better level. Keep up the good work!!! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Fishcakecommentedweek 34 years ago
Good to see you again 🙌
Fishcakecommented4 years ago
@PurpleWorship, no worries mate. Your getting good now
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@Fishcake, Oh thanks dude, I appreciate 😊
AAAAFarmscommentedweek 144 years ago
Looking like a big yielder good luck
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@AAAAFarms, Yeah, I should feel safe for long months with thoses ones ^^ Thanks!
TenderBudscommentedweek 124 years ago
Experiments are fun! Good luck. 👍💃🏻
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@@TenderBuds, Thanks :)
Sparklescommentedweek 114 years ago
PurpleWorshipcommented4 years ago
@Sparkles, Thank you :)
the end.
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