Day 21, Week 4 begins. Lots of bud development from last week, now it is finally time to heavily defoliate the ladies since they look very healthy. Haven’t taken a single leaf off since flip to 12/12 to avoid stress or hermies.
Defoliation is complete. Took the leaves off 1hr after lights off. Fed a compost tea the day before to breakdown any excess nutrients and allow the plant to uptake more during the day today. Will go in and water lightly before resuming full watering volume tomorrow. Current goal is to see how far we can push Tritons Trawl in the next few weeks to start bringing the color out. I want to let the plant regrow it’s lost leaves around each bud site before it purples out since the purple is less photochemically efficient. Onwards to victory.
Day 22, day after defoliation. Looks to be picking itself back up after the leaf strip. Just did a feeding at 64oz per plant. I am expecting the 90ml of Herculean to be driven straight to the bud sites now that I have acclimated the root zone to Bloom Khaos, and FullOn at full strength. I am seeing very slight tip burn, not bad considering how hard these are being pushed. I will do a Herc flush in a couple days as a preventative flush. Looking good so far...
@MarsHydroLED, Thank you for taking the time to checkout my grow. The TSW2000 is really beefing up my quality cannot wait to see how the FC3000 performs ;)