Fuck. Seems I took the last hermie out too late and it had already pollinated pretty much every single other plant in the tent. I'm really not sure how else they would've been pollinated, so that's my guess at least!
What a feeling of defeat and wasted time! I'm exhausted and kinda hate everything right now. And I never want to bother with photos again, but at this point I'll have a million seeds of random genetics. 💩
07/01/21 UPDATE:
Alright I'm a bit less stressed about the whole thing - there are still a decent amount of buds that will hopefully just continue along their frosty path. Still, there are WAY too many seeded buds and ones that look like they will probably be in the near future. Meanwhile one of the hermies outside is only half seeded while sitting next to three males in the wind. 😑
But whatever, I will just have to be more diligent and quicker with taking them out next time. Happy July everyone!