Was a pretty rough week; I wasn't feeling well and missed checking them one day and a couple of them pretty much fully dried up! I'm not quite sure what even happened as it wasn't overly dry in the tent or the garage/outside. They were on two separate sides of the tent as well, maybe they were just more in need of water than the rest of them. I guess I'll be testing a couple of them early! A couple of the other ones had signs of drying a bit but I am not chopping them yet, unless someone wants to tell me otherwise. I chopped two of the outdoor ones which had their seeds popping out already. I'm pretty much ready to get on with the next grow and keep fixing my mistakes, but I will just wait til they are ready like I'm supposed to! 😄
They've been hanging for 2-3 days now? Every other time I've taken them off the stems and cut the leaves off right away they dried too quickly in my environment, so I just left them how they came. I will probably cut the fan leaves off tomorrow.