
Chicken Coop

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
18 hrs
Light Schedule
15+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
buddhi_coop buddhi_coop
3 years ago
Looks like I got more than one cola on my macchiato plant, the Zittles is catching up in height just nit a lot of leaves. Been looking out for mold and pests, not sure how good I am at that. Tried some LST by cutting off some leaves on the bottom where they weren’t getting light. I added another fan for mid range, getting to clip ones for blowing top of plants. 1 gallon of water each every 3 days basically. Watered 2 days ago, watering again tomorrow w/ nutrients. Thinking about starting flowering 5/3, what do you suggest? & temp has been hard to control, super hot where I’m at. What should I do ?
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Grow Questions
buddhi_coopstarted grow question 3 years ago
What should I do when my plants are wilted & stems are bent ?? I just received these clones & thought they were still rooting but was told they were ready for veg, but since then they’ve been wilted so I put them back in the rooting stage 90% humidity & 75 degrees F ...
Leaves. Wilting
Plant. Wilting
Setup. Clones
Burmeseanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi there,You know what even if they are rooted, you still need to treat them like seedling.Yours other conditions are good.I only worry about your watering habit.If your clones well rooted,giving 30~50ml of water would be enough.But in your case,I can’t see many hope.Those wilting leaves are look like root is already damaged.Happy Growing... ✌️
buddhi_coopstarted grow question 3 years ago
Why do are a couple of my plants wilting but the others look fine ?
Leaves. Wilting
Plant. Wilting
Plant. Stem - Weak
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 3 years ago
Too much water, caused by excessive watering leads to a plant wilting. Overly saturated soil can make it harder for plant roots to absorb water because they do not have the oxygen they need for absorption.
buddhi_coopstarted grow question 3 years ago
I’m on week 2 of veg , when should I transplant my plants from the 1 gallon to the 3 gallon. They look like they could but I’m not able to check how many roots there are cuz of the fabric pot.
Other. Other
Plant. Other
Setup. Clones
justmmjanswered grow question 3 years ago
They could go another couple weeks in the fabric pots without issue but I would transplant them now and not worry about it. Good luck with the fabric transplant
buddhi_coopstarted grow question 3 years ago
I’m using fox farm nutrients. How much do I use & do I pour it in my water? Do I ph balance my water after I’ve added it if so? Can I mist nutrients over the leaves or is it only for the soil ? Last, when do I switch from grow big to the others ?
Feeding. Chemical composition
Feeding. Other
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 3 years ago
Since your growing photoperiods it should be fine to go with the schedule they give, you want to add the nutrients to the water and then ph it to the proper level after, and No your not suppose to spray this type of nutrients on plants to foliar feed, the light and this will make them burn, and as far as when to start you bloom nutrients, you want to switch about a 1 week after switching to 12/12.
buddhi_coopstarted grow question 3 years ago
Does this look ok? I have 2 plants not growing as fast as my macchiato plant. The other two are different strains, Runtz & Zittles. I don’t want to over do it but I know light is key so I thought I’d ask. Both 1000 watt uv & the other is led. I’m on veg week 5 of all 3.
Leaves. Too few
Plant. Too short
Setup. Lighting
Failmoreanswered grow question 3 years ago
For 5 weeks those plants are very small. Neither of those lights is actually 1000 watts. My guess would be 120 actually watts from the wall...maybe. What is the size of your grow area? You can grow with a blurple. My friend grew great plants with a blurple but they are not ideal. I would recommend just dropping the coin on a good light. I spent 520$ for an LED for a 2x4 tent. So yeah, they are expensive but worth it over time when you consider money saved not buying.
buddhi_coopstarted grow question 3 years ago
Finally got my canopy evened out , added my other plants & took out my Zittles (wasn’t growing as fast as I needed it to so I passed it on to my partner) - all macchiato - 22” tall - 4x4 grow tent - week 8 of veg - if can start flowering, what’s the process of transitioning ?
Setup. Strains - Photoperiod
Techniques. LST
Techniques. ScrOG
jpeeroanswered grow question 3 years ago
Well 8 weeks veg is like the minimum. Simply switch the light schedule to 12/12 and they will flower.

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InspireMeweek 16
Enjoy 👌😏
Ferencweek 16
DreamITweek 1
Enjoy growth mate 🍀💚🦄
sir_isOweek 12
You're doing super well dude. Your intuition is really good. And I dig that you like ask a lot of questions, try find confirmation and that sort of shit. Like when you say.... "I’m hoping neutral humidity and a fluctuation between 70-80 degrees F is ok because that’s the climate they’ve been in for a while & consistently this week. " I swear you're being sarcastic? That's practically perfect. I've got outdoor seedlings with fluctuations between like 37-70f atm. :| ....and it gets colder...but I've grown shit through worse than that, to pretty good effect tbh. Looks super to me (and I've personally grown well more than a thousand plants, lots of experimentation, massively varying conditions). Might want to lower your nutes just a little bit though. Especially that calmag plus seems quite heavy (though I dunno the concentration). Citric acid (or just any juice from citrus fruit for ghetto) and milk/yoghurt/lactic acid bacteria stuff might benefit you. As another consideration (more for subsequent grows), you might want to keep your light cycle between something like 14-10 and 20-4 (some plants do better on either end of the scale). For more "strict" safe reference, 16-8 or 18-6. Cheers, best of luck hey.
@sir_isO, aye, thanks man ! I appreciate you 🤙🏽
Grow3rPTweek 11
Parabéns e boa sorte no final
@Grow3rPT, thank you 🤙🏽🤙🏽
Lacrimaweek 9
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
@Lacrima, thanks dude 🤙🏽
spyderweek 3
good luck on the grow....enjoy
@spyder thanks man 🤙🏽
BudBundy3week 2
Does the co2 bag increase growth very much @ that stage ? How do you measure ppm co2 ?
@BudBundy3, I’m not sure how to measure ppm just yet, I bought a co2 meter tho. The bag was alright, I ended up getting a mini ProCO2 bucket tho , it’s in one of the recent pics I uploaded
WeedIsMyLifestyleweek 13
+ molasses can up pH level.
Grow3rPTweek 11
Que maravilha
Waylateweek 6
I hope you have a good grow
ThePassionForWeed420week 6
Buona coltivazione e amico in crescita felice 👏 👏
Mrs_Larimarweek 6
looking good. You found the balance
Mrs_Larimarweek 4
if you have new nutrients always start wwith the half of recommended dosage and look how the plant reacts.... ( see it after 3-5 days=)
Ferencweek 2
Good Luck @buddhi_coop
CRiSPrGrowweek 1
hopefully they will pull through, you did well to catch it early, any more might have been the end of them . good luck ! 🚀
Mrs_Larimarweek 4
Hi, as i already said you are quite high in nutrients especially in nitrogen. you nearly doubled the recommended amount. Plants need nitrogen yes, but to much makes them sick b) light,,, i already can see a lack of light in the way your seedlings grow, they have thin branches and big internodes.. for vegetation the light is ok but to go on suuccessful think about getting another Light ( my recómmendation a Qantumbord) for more info just come back to me per DM Growing succesfully is bringing balnce in the crucial Parameteers like light+ lightdistance ( Daily Light Integral), Temperature and RH ( VPD), the right growmedium, and watering and feeding as you can see feeding is my last point....because normally you dont have to feed into the first weeks if you grow in soil) greetings
@buddhi_coop,tzhat is a pretty fertilised soil. i wont use them for cloones// seedlings, ii later they like it,,, but to start a plant they aree to hot iam doing my own soilmixi recommend always biobizz allmix and plangron royal mix........ or mixing it by yourself , check my diaries with tutrials /see it in tthe title)..... tthere are soilreciepes inside too But you can delute your fox farm soil with same amount on peat moss and some coco coir.. then it should be easier for the plant
@Mrs_Larimar, yeah lighting is my biggest frustration. Thanks for the help. Do you mind telling me what soil you use? I use fox farm ocean grown & coco loco mixed (not sure why I did that just thought I’d experiment I guess...idk-I was high)
@buddhi_coop,iam not feeding for weeks because the soil is already fertilised.... and i start if they turn pale or limy that means around week 5 or later,,, but if they start stretching after taking them in flower i feed nitrogen, because now they need it and lightdistaance depends in the lights--- not easyy to say it in one sentence
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WeedIsMyLifestyleweek 13
Bro, i see phosphorus deficiency. You really need add it. Formulex have only 0.87% phosphorus, its nothing for flowering
@buddhi_coop, i see you have tiger bloom - it will also work well
@buddhi_coop, you don't feeding it enough. In your feeding solution too low P. You need fertilizer with a lot phosphorus and potassium. Like Atami bloombastic or p-k booster + higher concentration of fertilizers in general.
@WeedIsMyLifestyle, yeah, shits hella out of wack. I was feeding with big bud, tiger bloom, formulex & molasses. I just bought some Epsom salts to lower the soil ph. I’m not sure if it’s a lockout or if I’m not feeding it enough.
DoDrugs420week 16
Spectacular my dude.
DevilsBudweek 16
Nice looking buds congrats enjoy your harvest enjoy 🤘🏻🤘🏻