White runtz x Hollywood - Cookies Seed Bank Living soil Demetheart system / TCO by me (CONTEST)MonsieurDeLaRuche
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001100010010011110commented13 days ago
Did this contest start in 2022?
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m0usecommented6 months ago
Interesting. Not a fan of store credit. 2500$ in overpriced seeds is really like 10-50$ in cost/shipping for them, just give actual money. Our time is worth more then that and we are adverting your product and brand by creating diaries.
3packs are 60$ , 20$ a seed is to much IMO. Can do better for less with other brands. A single plant can make 1000's of seeds.
If they giving out seeds then sure its worth it, try em out, Otherwise this is just clever marketing to drive sales and content on this platform.
Seedsman did this with their newer bubba kush cross a year or so ago, They sent out seeds to pro growers and a bunch of others purchased them. So they made bank off the contest and the prizes again are just more of their house brand and some merch. Plus the pro growers won as they should they grew beautiful plants, Just misleading. Low turn out overall on it vs other contests.
I have a feeling this brand is similar to other new flashy ones that have popped up in the last 6-12 months. Not great quality control and just a bunch of hype. premium cultivators ringing a bell or art genetix lol, Cookies sites been aorund since 2010 so who knows,
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Nicogreencommented5 months ago
@oldskoolkool, this is have we do it. 😉
Nicogreencommented5 months ago
@m0use, nemlig growmie 😉 💚
oldskoolkoolcommented5 months ago
@AstroBoy, Berner and the cookies crew earn something like 10-20 mil a year.It went from 0 to over 10 mil within the frist 5yrs.I believe he's started rapping and made an album,lol.
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Hempface86commented6 months ago
Berner stop being so cheap.. no one has your genetics laying around and damn sure aren't dropping plus shipping for 3 beans just at a chance at store credit lmao .. reconsider please before this contest is a complete flop 💯 .. hope everyone else is doing great... We need free beans and 4 month heads up... Do what Divine seeds is doing... They did it right, gave us all plenty of time to finish up our grows and do theirs right .. SMH
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m0usecommented6 months ago
@Hempface86, its the anti spam filter they installed. its to combat the work form home scheme, I made this much money doing xyz check out the link you can too. but its just phishing information or installed malware. They use to be really bad and spam all the questions with 50-100+ questions with some weird whaysapp number, always about call to get love potions or curses on your ex. or renting some lady from the internet. Its crazy how easily trolls can exploit the site. no systems checks or anything it feels like.
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SpartacaZcommented6 months ago
@Hempface86, Divine seeds penso sia oro frate lo acquisterò sicuramente genetiche da loro....e questo lo scopo di un concorso... FARSI CONOSCERE!
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Hempface86commented6 months ago
@m0use, twenty dollar difference .. for some reason every time I go to put a price it never shows up in my message
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Naujascommented6 months ago
pay money for seeds? lr to create a blog? And they will use my content for the fact that I buy: their seeds with my money?:D you advertise for them and at the same time earn money for them, and most of the participants will not even get a reward. so why bother with such a pathetic competition ? I will definitely not promote those who want me to pay them money for it, stupid.......
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Mrs_Larimarcommented6 months ago
@Naujas, if all Grower on growdiaries do it like that...... they willhave 10 Participants....... thats a sign
love it.
iam not going to buy.
they can buy a diary fro me😎
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Robertscommented6 months ago
I think this contest is gonna be a flop. I don't think there is a bunch of their beans growing here. Plus if no one has beans to grow. That is the end before it began. 🤜🏻🤛🏻👍🏻🌱 easy win for someone if they want to spend a few bucks.
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Robertscommented4 months ago
@Mrs_Larimar, 2 months later and 7 entries. Not doing so good. Guessing not may are genuine.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented6 months ago
@Roberts, i agree . but yeah we will see
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nonick123commented6 months ago
@CookiesSeedBank , are you open to send some seeds?
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nexuscryptocommented6 months ago
@CookiesSeedBank Please send some freebies to try your amazing strains
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Krisiscommented6 months ago
@nonick123, Same
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DevilsBudcommented6 months ago
@cookiesSeedBank if you had done some research about how competition work here you probably would have bin better of this grow community has done lot good thing to promote good brands with great genetics for more affordable Prices and no issues with shipping paying etc you just now look like a fool that want to earn free content to show off not smart move this competition hopefully you will work it it out like many other companies can that are way smaller in status but way more reliable.
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MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
Send us who want to participate a few seeds. I think you guys will have better luck promoting your brand that way, and you will have a lot more people growing your stuff in the process.
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einamiocommented6 months ago
I guess it's a contest for those who's already growing cookies. Just checked their store, wild pricing, and I thought fb were expensive😹
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Green_clawscommented3 months ago
@OrganicBuds030, behave.
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MadeInGermanycommented3 months ago
@OrganicBuds030, 100 % richtig Bro 💚👍 ja Cookies kannst du mit in-house genetics, Dyingbreedseeds , terphogz usw vergleichen 👍
Sehe es genau so wie du zahle da jeden Cent seit Jahren gerne weil die Geschmäcker einfach ganz anders sind 💚
OrganicBuds030commented4 months ago
@m0use, I understand your frustration that with many seed banks you only pay for the name. It's like Gucci or similar luxury brands. Very often you only pay for the brand and not the quality of the product. However, when I read InHouseGenetics in your lists I was a bit confused. InHouseGenetics is worth every penny. I've tried a few things, but I've never been as satisfied as I was with them. Every seed has germinated. Each plant was special and rich in terpenes, which is what I value most. My cannabis has to taste good and it always does at InHouseGenetics! You don't pay for the name but for the quality you get. Would you like to receive seeds as a gift or something? There are people who have worked hard for these strains. They deserve great appreciation. 20€ for a world class seed is not a lot of money. If you're not willing to invest, you should lower your expectations a lot
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Astroboycommented6 months ago
From canada
I Not sure about other parts of the world but berner messed up in canada his cookies brand grown by puresunfarm total garbage.
Say no to cookies lol at the dispensary here 3.5 gram for 56.99 plus tax then you open it and its garbage or mold smelly.
mix preroll pack that all taste exactly the same witch are garbage and really nothing special
so from canada you sure burning canadian berner.
so the price did drop in canada its 41.99 plus tax for a 3.5 gram
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Green_clawscommented3 months ago
@Astroboy, wow didn't expect
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Hempface86commented6 months ago
@AstroBoy, yep here in Maryland cookies is grown by sunmed growers lol it's decent flower cuz sunmed is a good company but for twenty dollars more you can get the bag that says cookies versus the bag that says sunmed and it's the same exact flower
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Mrs_Larimarcommented6 months ago
@AstroBoy, thy for information, and yes i prefer to buy fromother companies, if i buy
directly from breeder,
i was hyped for a moment. but then i remebered. they are only cooking with water, too
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Hannoizboyzcommented6 months ago
@cookiesSeedBank in Deutschland kommt man an die genetic nicht ran. Wird nicht versendet. Da müsst ihr euch schon was einfallen lassen mit die grower überhaupt teilnehmen können und möchten. schickt ihr mir seeds zu bin ich dabei!? Andere Samenbanken bekommen das hier doch auch hin vor allem so eine weltbekannten Marke.
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Stony_Germancommented5 months ago
@Hannoizboyz, Du kannst diese genetiken bei Gas Station.lu aus Luxemburg bestellen. Da hab ich mir aber lieber Square1genetics bestellt. gruß Landsmann
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Hashycommented6 months ago
@cookiesseedbank, may I suggest if you want this competition packed out that you 1st give out strains you want growing and 2nd extend the competition for a few more months. Unfortunately growers like myself have got grows going that won't finish in time to be able to start this competition.
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Hashycommented6 months ago
@m0use, you might be the overlord of GD, but remember who your overlord is. 🤣
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m0usecommented6 months ago
@Hashy, you may not. lol
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Storkcommented6 months ago
How we can grow something that we don't have? 🤪😜
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Cameltoecommented6 months ago
Sorry Cookies it's a no go for me. I like how @Fast_Buds holds contests. They send out cash prizes in USD and also send out their genetics. Best of luck with your contest!
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ChitownCannaChicacommented5 months ago
So can we see some seed packs in these diaries? Seriously doubting a lot of these are from cookies…
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Nicedreamsmaybecommented4 months ago
@ChitownCannaChica, I agree. I posted mine. I also have grown out gelato 41 from clones but won’t claim that. I purchased some Hollywood seeds and will grow those out for this.
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Mrs_Larimarcommented5 months ago
Same. But what opportunity do they have than Fake IT.?
Iam Not saying its OK.
But its closest" solution."
Def. Not my Style. But to be honest i was thinking about that. Greetings
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LSchnabelcommented6 months ago
Maybe I buy a single pack just to win something because it doesn’t look like many people will be entering this one.
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Astroboycommented6 months ago
@LSchnabel, ya and then they cancel the contest because not enough participant
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m0usecommented6 months ago
@LSchnabel, contest ends in 4 months, time to get the seeds, grow it, flip it and harvest is not possible. :(
Plus not worth it. to expensive for what it is.
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Storkcommented4 months ago
Again contest without seeds .. looks like we need to grow other seeds and just write that they are cookie seeds looks like no one will know
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Nicedreamsmaybecommented4 months ago
@Stork, they are giving seeds out on the site. Selection for the freebies on the 1st. I am kinda holding off buying some to see if I get some freebies
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Mrs_Larimarcommented6 months ago
iam really courious who will participate, i saw alot of fake cookie seed bags on insta etc. so we will see
i know how they look like, at spannabis they sold cookies seeds and i took pictures orf the real bags😎😛
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LSchnabelcommented6 months ago
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the ad say 2,000.00 + in runner up prizes? But the runner up prizes total to 1,750.00.
I think these guys dropped the ball on this promotion.
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Astroboycommented6 months ago
@m0use, oh 😳
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m0usecommented6 months ago
@AstroBoy, lol thats what I said.
2500 + 1750 = 4250
first place + all runner ups
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Astroboycommented6 months ago
@m0use, i pretty sure its 4250😎 they are a rich company
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sunshinegrowwcommented5 months ago
Can you sent me some seeds so i can enter ?
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Mrs_Larimarcommented4 months ago
@sunshinegroww, thats a complete new Idea.... i wish i had that---------nahh just joking
we heard nothing from Cookies for months now
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gottagrowsometimecommented6 months ago
They need to add a sign up list
What pay for seeds to win a prize.
You'll get ppl that will buy. But, in the long run. Wouldn't it be best to get your gentics out there?
Instead of a few seeds sold. Makes no sense.
If they send out seeds I'll join for sep.
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m0usecommented6 months ago
@gottagrowsometime, they missed the ball on that one and thought their brand was more then it is. But also, if you don't have a presence on this platform sending out seeds in exchange for diaries is smart. Ganja Farmer Seeds did it well, and TBH some of their autos slapped.