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BostonGirlGrowscommented2 years ago
There’s some wicked dope photos this month! 🌱 👊🏻
likes 10
BostonGirlGrowscommented2 years ago
@Kmikaz420, 🌱 👊🏻
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Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
@Bostongirlgrows,je trouve aussi vraiment sympa ^^
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Shalma_kushcommented2 years ago
Buena suerte a todos..
likes 8
TheCannaProphetcommented2 years ago
Awesome photo's! ❤️ Best of luck to all! 🍀
likes 7
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
@TheCannaProphet,perso j adore ta photo si je pouvais je voterais pour toi sur!!!
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MrHightimescommented2 years ago
cool ass reward!!!! another fun month!
GL all!!!
Hope your plants are NOT dying in this damn HEAT!!!!!!!😓
likes 7
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
@MrHightimes,31.9 c est très chaud pour des plante petit truc qui aide ,augmenter le co2 (ou alors faire tourner les lumiere la nuit mais pour moi c est raté autofloraison 18-6
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gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
Yay. A New sponsor.
likes 7
ZoobZoob_farmZcommented2 years ago
Good Luck 🤞
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
Good luck everyone!! 💚 There's some amazing art too see here!! 😍
likes 6
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
@BB_UK, aww thank you! I'm blushing. 😘
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BB_UKcommented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, you deserve the win on this one bud! Pic is amazing
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PEAKYPLANTERScommented2 years ago
May the best man win!
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Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Bonne chance à vous tous les amis et qui sais peut être futur ami (es)^^ bon en règle général j suis rarement gagnant donc pour moi c est plus pour le plaisir des plantes et de faire de belles photos (mais bon avec 1 peut d argent en plus personne va aller se plaindre il me faut une 3eme sanlight ^^ )
likes 6
Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Bonne chance à tts et peut être qu un jour j arriverai à avoir se put1 de smiley !!!
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
😃😀😀 Ooooh did I really win 3rd?? 12 days of nervous logins ahead! 😅 Well, taking my chance now: thank you mom, thank you management, thanks growdiaries for choosing me, I hug you from remoteness! 😘 I will walk my path more proudly from now on, humbly proud. 🙏
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BB_UKcommented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, it's just true bro look at your photo 🤤 and the first one has already won with this exact photo and diary lol madness
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
@BB_UK, 😍 Thank you buddy!!!
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BB_UKcommented2 years ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, congratulations gromies 🎊🎉 deserved 1st place though 👏
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TheCannaProphetcommented2 years ago
Big CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!👏🏆 So many KILLER pic's this month... Great job fam!♥️😎🤙
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m0usecommented2 years ago
Lots of fun ones this month. I think mine is average and not the best so excited to see who they pick!
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Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
J ai oublié @ caucasien seed qui a drop une photo magnifique aussi... bravo à tous le monde et félicitations à la ou aux gagnants ;)
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Mjl93commented2 years ago
Didn’t one of them win this in June too with the same pic 👀😂
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GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@@Mjl93, Now that is something quite noticeable. @growdiaries, they bring up a good point of someone using a previous winning photo, to win again this month.
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
@@Mjl93, ups you're right! Maybe it's not the winners then yet! 😅
TheCannaProphetcommented2 years ago
@@Mjl93, winning twice... always nice! 😁♥️
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Astroboycommented2 years ago
Good luck
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Sir_scrogalotcommented2 years ago
Good luck everyone
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Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Petite annonce pour les gagnant de se concours ou l autre de seed mafia si vous n avez pas d utilité pour le bang venez me voir je vous l achete j ai casser le mien et celui là me plaît bien :) donc si tu est gagnant et tu veut t faire un peut d argent 💰 vient voir le père kmikaz...
A et félicitations au winner et même au perdants
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Kmikaz420commented2 years ago
Bonne chance à toutes et à tous les amis il y a vraiment de très belle photos !!!!
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Seebd420commented2 years ago
Ya'll realise these comps are rigged right. I bet the winners are already known this is why they milk it so long.
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