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Animal Picture Contest 2019 by Dutch Passion

Shipped by Sponsors / Europe only
30 Photos participating
6 years ago

Animal Picture Contest 2019 by Dutch Passion

Dear growers! Nice to see you here. We have a contest for everybody that has the opportunity to take a picture of their plant in combination with an animal. We are aiming for a full plant and full animal in the picture! We love our animals and we love our weed, so a combination seemed great to us. Make a nice picture and enter the contest!

Dutch Passion Team


1st prize:
7 x seeds of Auto Blackberry Kush
3 x seeds of Auto Orange Bud
9 x seeds of Dutch Outdoor Mix
10 x seeds of Meringue
Dutch Passion sweater
Snapback Cap
Metal grinder 

2nd prize:
7 x seeds of Auto Blackberry Kush
3 x seeds of Auto Orange Bud
10 x seeds of Meringue
Snapback Cap
Metal grinder

3rd prize:
7 x seeds of Auto Blackberry Kush
3 x seeds of Auto Orange Bud
5 x seeds of Meringue
Snapback Cap

4th prize:
3 x seeds of Auto Blackberry Kush
3 x seeds of Auto Orange Bud
5 x seeds of Meringue

5th prize:
5 x seeds of Meringue


- Only one picture by a single competitor (plant plus animal)
- Only pictures from Dutch Passion Diaries
- Diaries started in 2019
- Dutch Passion team chooses winners
- FIVE winners
- Pictures can be used by Dutch Passion for future posting
- Prizes shipped within Europe


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NomNomcommented6 years ago
Oh come on I just suggested this last week in the "Naked Buds" contest comments. I should totally get a prize for suggesting this
Inthejonhcommented6 years ago
@DutchPassion_Official, buenísimos días tengo algunas semillas puestas de este banco si y puedo sacar fotos con mi perro ya que soy nuevo por aquí agradecería tu respuesta muchísimas gracias
NomNomcommented6 years ago
@DutchPassion_Official, I totally would and I really appreciate the offer, shows you are good people. But unfortunately I don’t live in the EU. Thanks, hope you can spread your awesome seeds to the rest of us soon. 👍🏻
DutchPassion_Officialcommented6 years ago
@NomNom, if we send you some Dutch Passion seeds will you send us some pictures with your animals and your Dutch Passion plants?
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ChefDan420commented6 years ago
Good luck to all EU heads👍🏼 Missing out on lots of contests lately but wish all eligible the best 🇺🇸
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
wow, great Contest.....nice Prizes and great Idea, even the 5th prize is a good Prize.
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Yeah but I don't really like the 6th prize ...
GrowThingscommented6 years ago
Does my girlfriend count? I'm going to run with yes.. PS: If I don't win I will beg Tony for the Dutch Passion merch! :D
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@@GrowThings, dude, lol 😂
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
5 Prices=? wow .... and the amount of stuff you can win... holy moly thats very generous of @DutchPassion.......
dalemaccommented6 years ago
I thought I had this contest cornered until my pets read me the rules. They don't know where they live... but that's OK... I haven't told them about Tr*mp either. 😅 Looking forward to the day when we can clean house and fix the federal cannabis rules.
LockDownGrowcommented6 years ago
Hi all so here is my entry , This is my stunning 4 year old female lesser pastel royal python , Her name is empress and she is a double gene royal , I did try and lay her on the plant for this photo but she almost flattened the plant ffs lol All in the name of getting that shot , So I had too hold her over my garden , and let me tell you she doesn't stay still for very long Good luck everyone and happy growing , Keep medicated :)
Myrcellacommented5 years ago
@DutchPassion_Official, Wie schade das diese schöne Schlange bei ihnen, vermutlich in einem Terrarium leben muss - viel schöner wäre es wenn sie ihrer freien Natur nachgehen könnte, anstatt eine Gefangene zu sein😀 Beste Grüße 😀 Myrcella
DutchPassion_Officialcommented6 years ago
Awesome! @LockDownGrow you made a cool picture with your lovely snake.
Gr33nFi3ldcommented6 years ago
Any chance considering opening this up to worldwide instead of exclusively Europe?
Gr33nFi3ldcommented6 years ago
@@Blacklisted, that sucks :( they certainly won't ship to my part of the globe then!
Wachsemiliancommented6 years ago
ok Growdiaries you have my attention ...maybe one of best contests eeeeeeevvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrr💪😻
Astroboycommented6 years ago
Who going too capture bigfoot with a plant this year I will 🦍
NomNomcommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy,I got to admit you are technically right. It doesn’t say pet, it just says a picture with pot plant and an animal.
Astroboycommented6 years ago
@NomNom, lol could be classified has aanimal but someone can maybe catch it picking on sniffing a wild pot plant
OutForRealcommented6 years ago
@NomNom, Chuck Norris ! He must have a bigfoot as a pet ... ok I'm out...
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Astroboycommented6 years ago
Perfect picture with the horse good job wow
Pseudocommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy,merci :)
Puffer_Billcommented6 years ago
Nice pets week 7. 🤣😂. I guess even flies need a bit of love.... or loving.
Myrcellacommented5 years ago
Das denke ich auch @Puffer_Bill 😀 , sie haben das selbe Ziel wie wir - Leben....satt werden....Leben 😍
Astroboycommented6 years ago
So bigfoot we never no if it's costume lol might be a fake lol my bigfoot loves apples n we are friends so all ask him if he wants to viral
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@AstroBoy, pass the joint bro lmfao
SirChronniccommented6 years ago
People lucky i don't live in the EU, cause my photo would kill of yours. I feel like uploading for fun.
Puffer_Billcommented6 years ago
@SirChronnic, Do it 👍🏼
Momgrowsthechroniccommented6 years ago
I absolutely LOVE Dutch Passion and was super excited to see a contest that everyone can enter without having to get naked... only to read on and discover that it’s only open to the EU. Super disappointed as pot is now legal here in Canada and I would have loved even the opportunity to enter let alone win. Dutch Passion are a long time favorite of mine so maybe next time :(
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic, @@@Blacklisted, @sirchronnic enter anyway and find someone willing to forward you the winnings ❤️ 🚀
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
Congratulations to the winners and all participating !!!! nice pics of your Pets
Pseudocommented6 years ago
Wowo I'm so happy thanks you very mutch Deutch passion with this good contest!!!
GreenHouseLabcommented6 years ago
@DutchPassion, thanks for the great offerings!
ChefDan420commented6 years ago
@AstroBoy, sounds like you have some good buds also 👍🏼🌲🆒👍🏼
GreenHouseLabcommented6 years ago
Another competition limited to those in the EU (good news to you guys/girls) but would be nice to see more inclusive contests open worldwide. I understand seeds cannot be shipped to certain countries (depends of which company) but at a minimum all other items could still be shipped, in this example the grinder, hoodie and cap. Best of luck to all participating 👍 wish I could, Peace.