

Born for Plants, Grow for Health!
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I feel like the buds turned out better this run. I think working under a net to keep more of the plants in the sweet zone helped.
12 days ago
Light is almost too bright.
6 months ago
Worked perfect
a year ago
At first I was skeptical about these lights because they are so cheap and cheaply made but boy do they work I know I'll get 3 oz off of my 5 gallon plants and 2 oz off of my 2 gallon plants pretty good for autos,just keep a fan blowing over the top of your light like you should do on all of your lights
a year ago
Amazing ligghts for a great price
a year ago
Worked fine so far but I do wish the PAR levels were higher towards the edges.
a year ago
Top notch. Doesn't get any better for the price!
2 years ago
Always reliable. Works amazing and is super strong! Highly recommend to everyone for price and ability!
2 years ago
Amazing light. Super strong and great price.
2 years ago
Super powerful light for an amazing price. Great coverage and proves itself every crop. Always get great numbers with it.
2 years ago
Always great! Can give great yields especially when you use extra CO2 it allows you to push the plants to the next level. Worth twice as much as it costs at least!
2 years ago
Always great. Super powerful and very reasonable pricing!
2 years ago
An unbelievable light. Super powerful for the size and cost. Have to keep at least 45 inches away in full bloom when running 18/6. Any closer is too much light and will cause issues even with extra CO2.
2 years ago
Super powerful! Great light for the price! Must keep far away for the size!
2 years ago
I thought these lights worked very well in this grow. I keep a fan blowing over them to keep them cool.
2 years ago
Amazing light with great output.Has an amazing footprint. Like
2 years ago
Amazingly strong light for the price. Couldn't ask for better quality for the money!
2 years ago
Awesome light especially for the price! Wish the spectrum had more red in the flower mode but makes some trichome covered beauties
2 years ago
Amazingly strong light at a great price. Proved to me that it's a company that knows what they are doing. Great for growing during the veg stage and helps create massive amounts of trichomes. Just wish that there was more red in their flower mode.
2 years ago
Great light. Strong and amazing for the price!
2 years ago