
What happened to my plants?

cannaby_tostarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey there, we moved our plants to a terrace and after 2 days the leaves are completely destroyed and covered in something "white/orange". What kind of insects causes this? Worth to mention its also quite windy! Thanks a lot!
Leaves. Other
souljasamanswered grow question 4 years ago
A lot of bugs could have caused that kind of damage so its really hard to say exactly what caused it. Are there no bugs currently on the plant? Double check under the leaves and on the stem with a strong magnifier to make sure. It is also entirely possible if the wind was strong enough, it may have resulted jn tattered leaves. Especially if the plant wasnt used to thay heavy of wind and didnt build resistance to it The orange stuff looks kinda dusty. Does it come off at all? If so then its like judt something that got on the leaves. If not, it could be from the sun stressing the plants out if they arent used to being in the sun. Plants grown indoors dont experience uv radiation so just tossing them outside and leaving em there can stress them out and cause burning as they dont have resistance to the damaging part of the suns light. Its also possible it could be a deficiency from a ph imbalance. Do you check the ph of your water before you give it to your plants? In soil your ph should be around 6.5-6.8. If it is too far outside that range your plant isnt able to absorb the nutes it needs to grow and you can wind up with some crazy looking deficiencies. So double check you waters ph. Also water to get a good amount of runoff to test the ph of. If the run off ph is more than 0.5 outside the ideal ph range you might need to do a flush with 3-4x the volume of your plants pot of properly phed plain water to reset the soil ph. Hope this answer helps! Feel free to dm me.
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Selected By The Grower
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey my friend :-) I would first rinse the plant with Ph and Ec coordinated water, it looks like nutrients to me :-). if you should find insects I would recommend taking oil but not spraying in bloom :-) greetings and a lot of fun while growing :-)
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