

sciurcavalierestarted grow question 5 years ago
White dot's have appeared on one leave of the plant, while the other has this weird stains. Yesterday evening I've sprayed a bit the plants with water. This morning they had nothing, they appeared in the late afternoon. Also the base seems to have some some white grains (roots?)
Week 4
Leaves. Other
Feeding. Deficiences
ijustdontgiveafanswered grow question 5 years ago
just an advice: don't spray her when the lights are on.. imagine it this way: small drops of water on the leaves act like a magnifying glass under the sun and burn into the outer layer of the leaves.. if you need to spray her (for foliar feeding), do it just before the lights go off, else i suggest watering the medium, not the plant This looks a lot like watermarks. white grain around the base of the plant can be salt build-up from the fertilizer that's being used.. even liquid fertilizer is eventually diluted salts.
Selected By The Grower
labifleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Salut le jardinier ! moi je pense que tu a des insectes genre des araignées rouges sous tes feuilles donc regarde en dessous et si tu vois des insectes t'a encore le temps de traiter sans que ca soit trop difficile a faire vue que t'es pas en flo. donc normalement tu spray une solution de 90% d'eau et 10% de savon ou alors la même chose mais avec de l'huile de neem et surtout n'utilise pas de pesticides chimiques je l'ai fait une fois avec mon coloc et on a tousser a chaque taffes . bonne chance a toi bella ciao
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MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey buddy it could be scuff marks. take a close look if you can find animals (trips etc.)? Ideally with a microscope, and especially on the underside of the leaf. I hope there are none then we think further 👍👌Your plant looks otherwise great
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