relax.. looks a bit dry, though.. unless you are just about to water.
water a 4-6" radius if in a "too big" pot for the current size. Don't feed, yet. Especially in soil.
It's green. It's not wilting. you are doing fine. cotyledons or first set? the non-serrated can do wahtever tehy want, don't worry. some come out looking quite horrid, lol. The first serrated blades.. no worries, they come out fugly, too, sometimes... as long as it isn't accompanied by change in leaf color or wilt or falling over, you are probably okay.
growth will pick up.. wait 2-3 weeks and it'll be crazy.
give it another week before nutes.. your soil likel yhas some too, so if you start that early, start with less than instructed. If you see a hint of yellow on the cotyledons, you can start fertilizing.. .that tells you the original energy packed with seed is starting to run out. you have plenty of time to avoid a slowdown.. .it'll suck those cotyledons yellow over a day or two, probably... so you'll see it happen and easily react.