assuming pH is correct and not bombing it with nutes (concentration build up over time), yeah it looks like it.
first, if not certain check your labels of the things you use.. if you provide a lot of calcium and you have a calcium deficiency symptom, it is likely somethng else.
P/K toxicites, for example, can cause calcium and magnesium deficiencies. has to do with chemistry and how the plant uses each and basically one will get in the way of the other based on ther physical and chemical properties. in this case, an overabundance of p or k will lockout caclium and magnesium one way or another -- there are a variety of ways it can happen, i don't know the specific for this context - wither blocking at sites or a precipitate that isn't useable etc... chemistry is fun!
So, investigate further as you have a ton of information we can't feasibly expect you to provide. eliminate possibiities.. take the path that doesn't involve putting more stuff into substrate if you have a choice like that.