it's not looking good, but not certain.. you'd know better in RL.
pic 4 and 5. one looks like it's got seams like how it would open up with nanners inside later. I'd still give it some time, but keep eye on it. wiat for the bit to look like a "grape" or not.
google bract and stigma vs .. stemane and anther.
not marijuana but gives on idea of shape.
one will be a grape like projection from a stem or stamen. -- that is a male plant. it will project out at some point and kind a look like a grape - not in color, obviously.
one will be a bract with pistil and stigma that is a white hair-like projection from the bulb, or bract, that resides in nook of the node. it will never extend out on a twig-like prejection like the male bits. it stays in that nook.