It might be you personal perception of that smell, you know how some people are daltonic and others color blind?
Some people can't correctly sense certain smells and others live without smell at all.
You sensing cat piss smell tells me it has a pungent smell, however maybe its a fruity pungent smell, try and get a second smelling review from someone else, even if when you harvest and trim you take a leaf to a friend and be like: holy shit m8, look at this flower, smells like cat piss.
If he tells you: nah m8, smells good like top notch fruity bud.
Then you can even go to a doctor and see if they can have something for you.
Even if its a report from the doctor how you sense certain smells a different way, may be usefull to get rid of some unpleasent visits somewhere as you can claim its smelling like amonia and fake pass out, and then just show the report to prove how you weren't faking it.
Good growing growmie, stay lit.