So a grower buys his own seeds, lighting, grow tents, nutrients, etc., puts tons of time, effort and money into growing something they are proud of.. many growers are taking phenomenal pictures which also takes time, money and effort.. why is it fair that a company can put a big ass ad IN your diary and make money off of your time, effort and money you put into it...and growers get no compensation in return? I can understand creating a seperate shopping page for people who are interested in purchasing whatever. That's great and encourgable. But to put it right in the diary is disrespectful. At this point growers put in the leg work for what in return? I didnt know we signed up to do free advertising for businesses. We signed up to be in a community of growers that support and help each other and share our grows with like minded people. It just feels wrong. Feels like bad business.