i think you need a slightly diluted mix of what you are giving... likely a bit too much N like you said. P-deficiency usually shows some blue in leaves. You don't nee dmuch P.. 50-60ppm is all it needs. More will not 'boost' anything. Plants have a metabolism... all about a happy medium, not min/max strategies very often with nutes.
guaranteed analysis labels can be used to calculate PPMs of the various nutrients you provide. you are in soil, so you have to consider what the soil contains too... if not super soil or living soil, you are most likeyl providing nearly all the nutes when you fertilize this late into a grow.
you can reference these PPMs and have a good idea of how to change your fertilizer mix.
N 120-130
P 50-60
K 180-200
These will be impacted by your tap water and may be different:
Ca 90-120?
Mg 80-100?
S 90-110?
Mine are posted each week in any diary. I have fairly hard tap water of 250-300ppm. So, i likely provide some unaccounted for Ca/Mg/S. Consider these ballparks, and more so with the secondary nutes. Your soil should have the trace elements present. Tap water helps with this too.
if any of these are too high, you have to consider lockout. I'd stick to your normal wet-dry cycle and merely change your formula slightly. Keep as many factors the same so your intentional change is impactful and precise.