If it isn't burning the plants, you are okay. Overexposure will be some malformed stigmata that'll be a lime-green-ish color area but not grown out like normal stigmata. won't be smooth but won't look right. it'll stand out. starts small at tip (or highest point) and spreads out as it continues to be overexposed.
the stress may not be so bad to cause that, but it could still cause nanners, which would take weeks to form. So, timing of that may make it a moot point or not.
Supercropping is always an option. Can google for details. Involves cracking the stem a bit, some duct tape and a resulting different shape for that pesky tall branch, LoL. If not familiar, no that's not a joke. Google it. I'd only do this if you see overexposure or stress from the extra intense light. If you can bend it elsewhere or position pot in a way that reduces light o nthat tallest area, that is a better route to go.