Very nice indeed. Burning on the leaf edges can be a sign of too much food, especially nitrogen. Judging by how green your plants are, I would suggest easing back on the feeding a bit, maybe a couple of waterings with plain water before going back to feeding with half strength nutes for a little while. Your plants need some time to use up/eat all the nutrients in the soil before needing more. Too much/too strong/too often feeding will cause soil toxicity due to all the nutrients building up because your plant can not use them all. I would suggest try alternating with one feed at half strength, one lot of plain water then feeding with half strength, one plain water etc for a week or two and your plants will still grow well, but you will reduce/eliminate the possibility of burning your plants. Once your plants have doubled their size to what they are now, would I suggest, before going back to either heavier or more frequent feeding, but not both. Give them at least one dose of plain water every three feeds or once a week to let things settle down before feeding again. Your plants are organic living beings and not machines to be pushed, pushed, pushed. They will break from too much pushing too quickly, just like you or me would. Hope this helps.... Organoman.