I would run it with the instructions the manufacturer sent you, those guys u can trust.
If they say run it at 100% at 30 inches for seedlings do it, if they say run it at 40% at 15 inches, well, do it then. These are not accurate numbers, just demonstrative.
If they dont say jack, then go find the par maps and check at wich height u get the desired par, if u cant find par maps for all distances, install a lux meter, a bunch of those in play store, then compare the readings at the distance at wich you have specified at at par map and see if 1000 par will be the same as lets day 30000 lux in that light specifically, so if you get to 15000 lux you should be sitting at around 500 par, 7500 around 250 par, so by this logic with this imaginary light i would set it at 7500 lux height to be achieving around 250 par for my seedlings.
I hope i wasnt too much confusing, short version is trust the manufacturer numbers buddy.
Stay lit growmie.