No. After this, please leave the lights at 18/6, your poor plants must be absolutely exhausted after two months of a very unnatural and plant torturing 24 hours of light for 60 odd days. Plants do actually need to "sleep" and recover from the days' activities. I am/will be surprised if this two month marathon of light has not caused any problems yet or will not do so in the future. Cannabis can only grow so much during any 24 hour period and the optimal day length is 18 hours. After this amount of light, you are basically wasting electricity for very little extra growth than had you had the lights on for only 18 hours. 24 hours of light x 2 months is basically plant torture. Plants, as I said earlier, do need to "sleep" and do certain metabolic processes during the dark period that they can not undertake during the light period, especially certain cannabinoid biosynthesises. Leaving the lights on for 24 hours during flowering will preclude your plant from doing these "night time activities" resulting in incomplete cannabinoid formation. Do your wallet and most importantly, your plants a favour and only give them 18 hours of light ever, as this is the realistic maximum, based on scientific fact and not be greedy for results by driving your plants at maximum velocity for weeks/months on end - something will break and you could end up harvesting some very tired flowers with incomplete cannabinoids rather than delicious and well matured flowers that have been allowed to ripen under a more natural lighting schedule. I like to think of the plants' "sleep" time as 2 hours to rest, 2 hours to repair and 2 hours to prepare for the day ahead and these are the three basic principles cannabis plants do during their night cycle. Denying them this rest and recovery option is, like I said earlier too, is basically what amounts to plant torture. No where on the planet have any plants, for Millenia, ever evolved to thrive under constant light and what is occurring here with 2 months of lights on, has not only been an expensive power using and futile experiment, it has also been a rather mean way to treat your babies. Treat your plants with kindness and they will repay you with kind flowers that will be exceptional. Keep torturing them with constant light and you will most likely end up with second grade "product" that will be nothing to brag about. Sorry if this may seem a bit harsh, but I am a self elected representative from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Cannabis or the RSPCC! Hope this helps,.... Organoman. 😎