I had just asked if I should flush my plants and got a couple responses of no, feed one more week and feed a few weeks. I'm using GH nutrients. Do you think I should just jump to the Ripen level of nutrients if only leaving a week?
The8thchevron, when you say 4 weeks left, are you thinking 4 until I cut it? If so do you think I should be doing 2 more weeks of notes and 2 flush? Or are you saying 4 more weeks of nutes before flush
Looks like you still have 4 weeks or so left... you can jump to ripening nutes in the final two weeks but if you switch too soon you will starve her when she needs nutes the most.
Not sure how to tell if it is ready or not without looking at trichomes. If you have an endoscope then I would look at them. They need to be all milky with a few amber. No clear. Then start the flush