
Purple Patches on leaf

Justlearningontheflopstarted grow question 4 years ago
Has anyone seen little purple patches on their leafs like this? It’s only appeared on one of my plants, no signs on the other 4.. please help 😅 Also, I’ve now got 4 with turning up edges, no burns just turned up edges..think it might be heat stress, vpd to high maybe?
Leaves. Curl up
jomolharianswered grow question 4 years ago
It's over-watering mate.
Justlearningontheflopanswered grow question 4 years ago
@Deeunit1, Think it might just be the light, it’s more brown to purple than green sorry mate.. I’ll add another couple pics to my weekly diary as can’t add any more and I’m the fanny that just added one shitty one 😅 my humidity hit 80% last night, I missed lights out and lights on today..I was running on 1.5hours sleep..😥 @Bulbi, they were over watered early doors and the most bottom leaves have all have been affected and are soon to be chopped, so I think maybe the cal/mag..or possibly over humid, lost control last night as I said my vpd in the early veg zone about 0.7-0.8, maybe that’s to low now? Figure I’ll keep it down and see if they tips recover to. Ph for in feed about 6-6.1 and I just added some ecothrive with a week feed of 1, probably to low but didn’t want to go to high with the ecothrive in it..was intending on going up to 1.5 next feed, so I’ll get my cal/mag in that, hopefully that’s not to much a jump in ec?
deeunit1answered grow question 4 years ago
It looks more like dark green which would suggest too much NitrogenIf its purple it could be a number of things liek humidity or PH and temp.You also need some Calcium due to not using Coco specific Nutrients..The biggest cause of calcium deficiency is due to your humidity being way too high.Advanced Nutrients Cal-Mag would be best for you with not using coco nutes as it has added Iron in it which alone with calcium is the missing link in non coco nutes,it also has Amino Acids in which can increase calcium intake dramatically.If you leave have more than 50% damage you can remove them.
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CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there JustLearningontheFlop , good on you for being diligent with VPD, it's not that actually, you're doing a good job. Looks like a tiny bit of overwatering, not enough calmag (probably because the plant is in perfect conditions) and some pH fluctuations especially. My idea is that you're using maybe a kelp based additive like rhizotonic, or not pH-ing your input watering , you should be around 6 to 6.5 pH if you're not in there slowly lower or raise your pH. In soil you can add beneficial bacteria like bacilus subtilis to make sure the soil itself is more resilient to pH. Hope this helps ! 🚀
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