
Have I hurt my girl or done her some good

Beginnerbuds2020started grow question 4 years ago
Hi I flipped my light to 12/12 3days ago and today I thought I would take a few leave off have I hurt my plant or have I done right ? I’ve done a before and after pic ? Helpppp
Leaves. Too many
Leaves. Too few
Other. Other
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Defoliating to send energy to the buds may be a novel idea, but just where do people think this magical energy comes from? The freaking leaves of course! Without the big fan leaves, there is less energy, not spare energy re-"send" elsewhere! You will get the biggest and best buds by leaving all healthy green leaves in place to do their job of producing energy. Quite simply - Maximum amount of healthy green leaves = maximum energy produced = maximum growth and maximum health. This is basic plant biology 101. The only leaves that should ever be removed are yellow ones, for by the time they are yellow, they have served their purpose. Besides, the older leaves will provide your plant with a ready source of nourishment for use during flowering. So, not only does defoliation reduce your plants capacity to produce energy, it also robs her of a "stash" of pre-made nutrients that are "stored" in the older leaves, that she will draw upon during flowering, as it is more efficient to do so, rather than grow flowers AND make growth elements/nutrients (carbs, sugars, amino acids etc) from new during flowering and this is why the older leaves go yellow, the so called "fade", on otherwise healthy and well fed plants during flowering. Hope this helps,........... Organoman. (and anti defoliation crusader!)
deeunit1answered grow question 4 years ago
There's 2 schools of thought.We were always taught not to remove the leaves as they need them but in the last several years some experts,2 in particular have been stripping over 50% of their leaves off twice during flower claiming it sends all the energy to the buds giving bigger buds.I haven't seen any evidence of this and plenty of old school guys don't believe it but Iv started taking a dozen or so off plants around your size because it obviously don't harming them as bad as we were taught.I just remove a dozen of the ones facing in that shade the buds.Be Lucky Mate.
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Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 4 years ago
This plant doesn't look hurt at all, it looks happy and thriving meaning you did it right !!!
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