Hi there Kees, so this is what happened : every time you water you’re slightly overwatering which is “activating” or “releasing” the nutrients in the soil a bit “too much” so over time there is an excess of Nitrogen which is causing “lock out” meaning the plant is not taking any more N, and of course in veg it does need N. So now you see the symptoms of N deficiency , but you know there is no deficiency. This you can see first on the leafs , the puffy space between the veins of the leafs is from overwatering, you can also see them wrinkled . Then the yellowing starting with the oldest leafs first , moving upwards . Hopefully there is not too much damage. You can fix this by following a more strict wet dry cycle , try the pot lifting method if you want to learn never to overwater again. Hope this helps ! 🚀