
Urgent help please

Nautilusstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello growers, i need help for the plant behind, he was watered with only 6.5ph at good temperature water and the day after i come to check all the leafs was yellow and drained... someone can help me? That's normal? If i check ripper website say that flowering time is 50/60 and i
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Dirty_Hippyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Ok, so it looks clearly like they are getting no nutrients. The other possibility is overfertilization. It looks more like fert burn than anything, but i need to know some things. How many days into flower are you? When was the last time you fertilized? how much? Are you flushing them now? and how? In any case from the pics it looks like you might need to harvest soon. It might be that you flushed/cut the nutrients a little early. I can give you more solid answers if you answer those questions. Awesome plants by the way they look amazing! Good Job man!
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey man Seems as though these ladies have got a abit too hot these are looking close to finish anyway pal I would personally just start flushing her and then harvest when you see fit looks like a nice amount of yield there well done bro :)
Xspellsxanswered grow question 3 years ago
U burned them bro ther gone. U can strip the buds all off to litereally sticks in the medium and re veg kt and leafs will pop out in 2 weeks. Next time ppm ur feed to 750 max ppm with nutes feed with every other watering in coco or rockwool like every 3rd or 4th day. In soil its all different. Looks like u need to cut it all down and hope it dont taste bad. To avoid a bad taste keep ur closet or drying space at 70 percent rh for 2 daus drop to 60 or 65 for next 10 to 12 days leave all leaves on cut down at base hang upside down whole. After th 12 to 14 days of drying cut all stems off the main stem still leave the leaves on. Put those into a like plastic tub like an art box or whatever with a hygrometer and put the lid in when the hygrometer says its over 62 percent rh u take the lid off when it hits 60 percent rh u put the lid on once its stable for 24hes at 60-62 percent humidity and is not rising any more then 62rh u can then put it in a air tight jar for cure. 2 weeks after that ir bud will tatse its best. Do not follow these instructions and if u try and trim it before u jar it the weed will taste and smell like hay. Good luck
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