
leaves and flowers status

WeedzarPearstarted grow question a day ago
Hello, i have two questions about this diary: 1) how to uderstand what Is happening, magnesium deficiency or burn due to too much feed? 2) i dont uderstand of tricomes are ok or are growing too fast.. they are already turnin Yellow/Brown but flowers Is are not growing as fast.
Week 6
Buds. Other
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GrowerOGanswered grow question a day ago
Hello mate, i looked your diary, i think you gave her a bit much N using together Biogrow and Fishmix but the problem that you have it's linked to a Ca/Mg unbalance, i should have Ca/Mg ratio like 3:1 or 4:1 in your water when you use organic nutrients otherwise the plant start showing different signs like pH fluctuation, Ca or Mg defiency/excess, others macro-nutrient issue. So try to fix this. Try meanwhile to flush or to gave only water for 1 week to help her. To valuate the trichomes is a bit early. Good luck and happy journey!
Green_clawsanswered grow question 19 hours ago
Best to understand what's happening is leave the first grow with next to nothing nutes or push slightly and then move feed up 1 by 1and you will get a feel for what she wants you will get the feel for it mate.. Happy farming
Newt_Loopanswered grow question 21 hours ago
You're only in your 2nd week of flower, you don't want to start giving a bunch of bloom nutrients yet. The first 3 weeks after you start to flower are a transition period and still going through a bunch of vegetative growth. I increase my veg nutes just a little and start adding small doses of bloom nutes, after those 3 weeks I then start slowly lowering grow nutrients and start increasing bloom nutes. I don't think it's the trichomes you're seeing turning colors, not this early but some of the pistils (white hairs) will start to turn. You will need a jewelers loupe or a microscope to see the trichomes clearly but you have quite a bit of time until you need to start checking them.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question a day ago
too early to look at trichomes the reddish stuff in leaves is probably due to cold temperatures at night (anythign near 68f andbelow can do it) as far as the imbalance.. hard to say from a few pictures. need more info. skinny blades might be genetics or too much p/k. not forming the typical 3-5-7-9+ progression might be genetics too or a poor formula in general preventing the natural progression. if soilless, a ppm breakdown of the nutes would likely cast a spotlight on any problem. if soil it's always a crapshoot of uknown variables you have to guess about.
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