Quite simply -
"Maximum amount of healthy green leaves = maximum energy production = maximum growth" ........
which is maximum foliation.
Removing too many leaves will reduce the amount of energy your plant can make, slowing growth and leading to potentially smaller growth.
If your plant did not need the leaves, it would not grow them.
It is best to only remove yellow leaves, for by the time they are yellow, they have served their purpose.
Plants can not "direct" energy, all energy is used equally throughout the entire plant.
Besides, where does this energy come from?
Just remember - fewer healthy leaves = less energy made = slower/smaller growth.
This is basic plant biology 101 and is why defoliation as a technique is flawed.
So, my advice is to leave the leaves, your plant needs them to make the energy she needs to grow her biggest and best flowers.
Extensive training on photoperiod plants will not harm them and can lead to vastly increased yields, particularly with the lower branches.
If growing indoors, having a flat canopy can work wonders, just as LST and even HST, can do with outdoors plants.
Autos can benefit from LST, but do not like HST or any sort of pruning/topping.
Some well considered light "lollipopping" about half way through veg and a final tidy up just as flowering commences, can save you from having to deal with small crappy buds.
Hope this helps,...........