This brush will work but not without lowering the quality of your bud. Not really any difference from a machine trimmer. Uses silicone paddles to remove your leaves. This brush would work best on dried bud and that in itself turns me off. Bud tastes better when trimmed wet and dried properly. The only weed I use the machine on is outdoor weed, as the nice big indoor bud deserves trimming by hand. Cheers
You will lose millions of trichomes with any sort of mechanical leaf stripper.
Spring loaded mini diagonal wire cutters work a treat.
Trimming is a pain, but no pain, no gain!
Cheers, Organoman.
Bonsai scissors - they are basically spring loaded so you don't uave to exert opening the scissors, half the effort.
Apparently auto trimmers strim off good bud too to get it lookin chrisp-ay.
Hi there. My last harvest I borrowed one of them spinpro trimmer things from a friend. That made things easier. I used it when the buds had dried and lost a load of trichomes into the bowl. Next time I'm going to borrow it and use it on freshly cut buds to see if it's any better.