
Leaf discolouration ID - Cal deficiency or disease?

GreenHillZonestarted grow question 3 years ago
Day 42 Auto. Leaves showing some mottled/rust colouration. Can't rub it off. Began at bottom leaves, intermittent throughout the entire plant. Maybe 5-10% of leaves have marks like this. The lower leaves are the worst, but the images I have included are from fan leaves near top.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
GreenHillZoneanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thanks hashy but I don't think that it's down to nitrogen toxicity. Perhaps you were checking my other grow. I'm using Bio Tabs for this one, Black Cream Auto, they are slow release tablets that you put into the soil after 2 weeks. The only additional nitrogen I added was some dilute Biobizz Fishmix in the early weeks. No extra N in the last ~3 weeks or so. I am leaning towards calcium deficiency after doing a bit more research but hopefully someone else can chime in before I give emergency calmag watering. Sincere thanks again for your input hashy, your grows are amazing.
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
I have had a look at your feeding schedule from a diary of yours, I think it's from the one with this plant in. Looks to me like your giving quite high levels of nitrogen. This could be causing issues with the plant receiving other nutrients. You may be better off going with a bloom feed as your in flower.
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