I would say, that if you left a "humidity dome"/cover over them, that they have been "cooked", especially if there were no holes in the cover for the hot air to escape through. Cannabis does not need "humidity domes", it is not a rain forest plant and apart from the risk of cooking the seedlings, it can also lead to fungal problems due to the excess humidity, fungal problems like "damping off" which is fatal.
I have been growing cannabis for 35+ years and not once covered any seedling with any sort of artificial cover/humidity dome, and this includes every sort of growing environment you could ever think of, from under lights to outdoors in hot sunlight and everything in between.
The only time cannabis needs extra humidity is when they are taken as cuttings/clones, as they do not have a root system for a few days and the extra humidity stops the leaves from drying out to crispy dead.
I would suggest leaving them uncovered and giving them a dose of half strength seaweed tonic, this may just save them, but if they don't show any improvement within 5 days, planting new seeds might be your only option.
Hope this helps, Organoman.