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Any prepping before planting germinated seeds

KushKattstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is there anything that can be prepped before going in soil? Do the soil need any nutes before being planted? Would solo cups be best or 1 gal pots?
Germination. Paper
Germination. Glass
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 4 years ago
Do not feed any nutrients to the seed or even the first 7-10 days after they are above ground. The seed itself contains enough nutrition to make it for the first week or more of life. Your soil likely has some amount of nutrients in it naturally also - depending on what soil you chose to use. You probably can make it the first month of growth without feeding any supplemental nutrients in most soils out there. There are however some soils that purposely have little nutrition so look into the type of soil you have and what it contains to decide when to start feeding. I always go into solo cups for several reasons, but it makes sure you dont waste soil and space if you start in a bigger container and then it dies. Also, its easier to transplant and get the root mass out of a solo cup than most 1 gallon containers in my opinion.
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GrowCNanswered grow question 4 years ago
I soak my seeds in water for 24-36 hours. Then I plant them directly into soil or into a peat pellet in the soil. Photo periods I start in the good old red Solo cup. Autos I start right into their forever pot. If you are using a potting soil blend then do not add any nutrients. Young sprouts are very sensitive and can be easily burned by too many nutrients.
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ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 4 years ago
Go with the solos. I add some stuff to my soil like worm castings and bio char—- that requires a little bit of a rest. I get the soil ready the day I soak the beans—- so in about 5 days, everything is ready. Just make sure you drill a lot of holes in the solo. Add some mycorrhizae to the tip layer ans water. Im a huge fan of a “humidity dome”—- just place a clear cup over the seed. Good luck! Keep it simple, don’t over think it, and learn from the process! ✌️🏻💚🌿💨
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BostonGirlGrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Lol. Soil. My auto correct is making this sound really dark 😅
BostonGirlGrowsanswered grow question 4 years ago
I personally start all my seeds in solo cups because I like to make sure they germinate before I start preping pots. However it is true that autos are a bit more sensitive to transplanting then photoperiods. It’s best to go from which ever method you choose for germinating directly into your growing medium. Photos actually respond well to up-potting, so I tent to go from solo, to like half gallon then to their final pots. I like 3 gallons for my autos, and 5 gallons for my photos. I was once told that when growing in soil, you want about one gallon of soul for each month the plant is alive. Hope this helps 🌱
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