
Light burn x cal mag issue?

Stokenation420started grow question 3 years ago
Light burn x CalMag? I have raised lamp higher.. lower leaves looking cal mag issues ? Growing in coco/pearlite, using bloom yellow bottles nutes. Any ideas? Suggestions? Thanks legends, keep the dream alive.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thats not light burn my frient that is nute burn like the grower below me has said now by looking at it. Its not very severe I would know I grew dwc for 5 years and still do and overfeeding is something we constantly battle lol for you I would advise just waiting for her to uptake what she has dry out and then just feed her with some ph balanaced water for one feeding then reintroduce the feed at a slightly lower ec value. or just add a few more litres dilution to her feed after the flush that should clear this up and still have some time left to bulk up for you. you can always tell nute burn from it starting on the edges and working its way into the leaf and its always that type of orange :) dont worry we all make mistakes its how we learn as growers and even experiened growers can make mistakes when not paying attention its easily done so dont let it deter you the plant other than that looks happy :) could be a darker shade but that tends to be pheno dependant anyway :) Best of luck im sure youll be fine :)
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Selected By The Grower
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
If you’re sure you’re not burning them or have salt build up, it resembles potassium deficiency
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Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
nuturent burn causing lockout. salts have most likely built up in your medium. let your medium completely dry out. then flush with 5 gallons of PHed water.
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