
Stress? Deficiency?

space_cookiezstarted grow question 3 years ago
I put the mesh 3 weeks ago. The last 2 weeks the new leaves looks curved and pale with notorious veins. I’m watering with pH ~6.2 and Ec ~ 1.2 (2 ml/L calmag to put Ec ~ 0.4 and 3 ml/L fishmix) soil is lightmix. Maybe Zinc deficiency? Thx for ur help!
Week 12
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Pale
Feeding. Deficiences
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 3 years ago
She looks a tad over watered if you ask me the leaves are drooping down like that further than that she looks healthy enough could be a root problem but im sure it will sort its self out in time sometimes there are no signs which i think is happening here I have a plant like this in my grow atm though I think i didnt give her enough feed. cool looking scrog net too lol very very neat and tidy grow area too :) best of luck for a nice harvest :) 👊
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Selected By The Grower
BeautifulCraftRredditanswered grow question 3 years ago
I would check your run off ph and see if its in range for the nutrients your using. I think lockout is the cause
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