Parts Per Million. (PPM) - the amount of dissolved mineral salts in an amount of water.
EC stands for "electrical conductivity", which is another way of measuring (mineral) salt content in water.
These two measurement systems are handy for soil-less growing whereby the strength of the applied nutrient solution is critical to a plants health.
It does not apply directly to just one nutrient, but the total amount of various dissolved nutrient salts in a specific quantity of water.
Since you are growing in soil, just follow the directions on the packet/bottle of whichever products you are using and you won't have to worry about ppm or EC, but in reality, mostly half strength of whatever they recommend is usually plenty strong enough.
Congratulations on choosing the awesome Zamaldelica from one of my favourite seedbanks, the mighty Ace Seeds, you will be in for a treat, but expect a slow flowering process, however, the results will be well worth waiting for, I guarantee it! A trip in a bong!
Cheers, Organoman.