Hi iam using calmag as single products so i use calcium and magnesium to help the plant with Photosynthesis. Iam using it as single product, because most calmagproducts contain Nitrogen too. Most time its no problem to give plants additional N, but i kile it to say how much. So i can put alot of cacium and magnesium to the plants without giving hr a "Poisoning" form Nitrogen. Canna sells single products as flui, i just go with the supermarkest to buy calcium and magnesium. Every living creature needs calcium and magnesium. Benefical stuff like that ( silicea, spirulina, molasses, humic acid are the elements of life . So you, your pets and your plants love it to get it. In my diary "cookies for Me" i have some reciepes for benefical drinks for your PLant( and you) feel free to have a look