Could it really be the sun's heat or did it trigger the damping off?
during that time, rate of growth for all microbes in soil increased, but no... not just because it was in the sunlight.
small chance it coincidentally occurred at that moment, but since you also mention the recovery is happening, i'm even more confident that's just light-related. they don't recover from dampening off.
becareful with h2o2... and if in soil, i'd only use it when absolutely necessary... it has no prejudice, and your microbes are important for soil grows.
use a bit more crushed leca balls or perlite etc... things equivalent to that should be 50% of your substrate for best oxygenation / drainage / healthy rhizosphere. while i don't beleive this is damping off, it sees like your substrate holds a lot of water, just a guess. that is an opportunity for it to occur more often. sometimes it just comes with the soil/substrate and nothing we can do, too.