
Semillas espontáneas?

YisusHazestarted grow question 2 years ago
Una pregunta, es posible que una hembra NO polinizada produzca semillas? (Ya sea hembra, fotoperiodica o automática). En el caso que si, está semilla conserva la misma carga genética que la planta madre? O es posible que varíe en algo? Hay alguien que me pueda ayudar con esta dud
Buds. Other
Growladyeastmidlandsanswered grow question 2 years ago
If you have seeds its usually pollinated so them seeds will also turn hermie on your if you use them best throwing them away and starting over if you have seeds in one plant check your others if in same place cos chances are they are all full of seeds its bad thing to happen mine never shown any male parts but lost all 28 of my plants. I had to clean everything filter fans lights tent with bleach and start over with new seeds again good luck sorry its happened
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
No, it is not possible for a NON pollinated female to produce viable seeds. In humans it would be known as "immaculate conception", however, as we all know, a woman can not produce babies all by herself. Cannabis is a "diploid" plant, meaning it needs male and female genetic material to produce viable seeds. If you find seeds on your plant, she must have come into contact with male pollen, there is absolutely no other way for a female plant to develop viable seeds. Hope this helps, Organoman.
YisusHazeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Si esta semilla nueva la germino y resulta hembra, sería "un clon" de la madre?
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 2 years ago
yes it's possible, the plant "decides that it needs to reproduce" and "evolves hermaphrodite" , so there's many different ways it does this but it can "seed itself" , and those seeds can be viable. But like you said it will retain the same genetic as the "mother", but "the mother is also the father", so "the child has a high chance of being a hermaphrodite also" , and usually you do want to avoid this gene in your lineage. Hope this helps ! 🚀
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NanoGrowBuds420answered grow question 2 years ago
Wenn du Feminisierte Samen verwendest dann ist es nicht unüblich das einige Pflanzen die nicht bestäubt wurden sämtliche Mini seeds in den Buds produzieren. Die verderben etwas den Geschmack und sind aufwendig auszusortieren. Du kannst darüber mehr im Internet lesen. Außerdem kann es passieren das eine weibliche Pflanze zwittert und männlich wird ( z.b. wenn sie zu sehr gestresst wird ) und dann die weiblichen Blüten der anderen Pflanzen im Raum bestäubt.
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