
LED lights for veg-Viparspectra xs1000

Beccabudstarted grow question 2 years ago
I have the viparspectra xs1000 light. I turned up to 50% intensity and plant is about 30cm from canopy. Is that right for early vegetation stage?It looks healthy to me but could be wrong. Was going to turn up to 75% later, then 100% for flower. Do I need to move closer the light?
Week 2
Setup. Lighting
Chow_13answered grow question 2 years ago
Hello Beccabud Your plant is doing great, I would put the light up to 50 cm and turn it up to 100%. As it gets bigger it will be able to handle more light and grow into it. from your par charts 38cm from the canopy seems like the sweet spot. I would recommend starting some LST to start getting some of the inner branches growing out for your scrog net. Happy Growing
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Selected By The Grower
HerbalEduanswered grow question 2 years ago
Your doing well. with 120W i think they can handle 100% at 30-40cm as soon as next week. I grow with an HPS 250W wich is always 100% i start with the bulb 70cm from the seedlings and then let the plant grow until canopy-bulb distance is 30cm then i move the lamp upward as the plant continue to grow. Check some of my diaries first few weeks, you'll see how 100% with 250W benefit an healthy and vigorous growth on start up, then afterward.
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