
Booster light did not turn off during night time

yokotasanstarted grow question 3 months ago
6th week of flowering AUTOFLOWERS 20/4 I accidentally left 20w 600mn booster for 3h during dark period (I noticed as switched off) Will they hermy? To be honest my growbox has holes so it was never a total balckness.
Setup. Lighting
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 months ago
NO. it won't do much.. Your plant would of just continued to take in that 600nm I've often let my 730nm 30w bars on for a few hours too long. I don't have 600nm but it'll just be like dosing them with extra light hrs.. Don't worry about it. Try not do it again. I usually now set a stop watch alert for as long as I want IR 730NM on and for 1 hr a day with UV on. It'll be fine 100%. This won't cause her
Selected By The Grower
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 months ago
Also is it your 10-11 week old Sweet Seed strain? If so, that's past the point of hermies. If you don't have any now you won't. Yes nanners can, but unlikely. Also, with been in fattening. You can actually give 13hrs of light. And in ripening lower your stenght of light by 20% or so and if you've the time. You can fower her longer during ripening. Gives a much overall finish. As if the light is too powerful and drops a lot at the ends, they do differently.. So lowering light and slowing down the ripening process will give an all round better finish
m0useanswered grow question 3 months ago
autos don't care, you can grow them under 24/0 and they will still flower. its crule but you could do it. Might want to work on patching them holes if you plan on doing photoperiods.
PostMaGrowanswered grow question 3 months ago
It is best to observe your plant, try to disturb it as little as possible during the resting phase! Actually, it's not that bad, as autoflowers usually need more light than you think! 24 hours of light a day would not make an autoflower hermaphroditic either, it is rather other points that count.😅🏻
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Saturate8264answered grow question 3 months ago
Since its autoflower it will most likely not hermit. It may just irritate the plant, but nothing really to worry about. On photoperiod plants you may have some issue with retriggering vegetative state. Keep on growing!
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