
Hojas curvas / temporada otoño-invierno exterior

RegadorDeCactusstarted grow question 3 years ago
Buendia Grower , Tengo un problema en mis hojas doy especificaciones si me pueden ayudar. Cultivo Exterior Temporada Otoño Invierno Temperatura 17°C de dia 8°C Las hojas se curvan pero aseguro que no es sobrefertilizacion Puede ser frio? Estan curvas las orillas no las puntas
Week 7
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Other
Setup. Outdoor
Chucky324answered grow question 3 years ago
Hello. If the roots are warm the plant can take the cold better. The next time you are at the gardening store get a heating mat for starting seedlings or some heating cables meant to be buried in the pot at the beginning but can be places on the outside of the pot with some insulation put on the outside of the pot to direct the heat inward. Warm roots happier plant. Chuck
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Selected By The Grower
AlienScrOGanswered grow question 3 years ago
very very likely a slight over as you are growing outside in winter autumn with very few hours of light in the square cannot absorb nutrients or do its duty
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