

Leanleanwokstarted grow question 3 years ago
Nitrogen overdose? Ph 6.2-6.5 Biobiz grow/heaven/top max
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Plant. Other
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Ye, N tox probably was the start of your issues now you've crossed over into nutrient lock. You got toxic soil. You gonna need to flush that shit and restart her on a lighter diet and more of a bloom npk 1-3-5 or any bloom nutrient will do that for you. + is calmag make to to get a good 1 with some iron, and other lil things like that. You'd be surprised at how lil trace nutrients like that will catch you out. But again a good bloom nutrient these days will have trace nutrients. Well, as for what you are on. Okay, the grow at this stage I'd be very careful giving, if anything she should be off that. You need bloom, and what I understand of top max is it's an additive to bring out the best of a bloom nutrient like it has core shit like cal and all that to help with the flowering process. I'm nearly 90% sure you need to add a bloom nutrient to that.. As for the heaven idk about that but once it has some pk and you lower the grow a lot you should be able to make something out of it. Good luck.
Youthmananswered grow question 3 years ago
It's probably a P-K deficiency!! Sometimes too much N can cause PK deficiency, so flush the soil, and then you can rewater with ferts, in the correct % for this stage
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
kinda tough to know without what is being fed in a more resolved way. if you know the ppms, you can compare apples to oranges as far as brands and fertilizer mixes etc... Knowing your pH is solid is important too. the yellowing from tip-in at bottom is a symptom of N-deficiency. did the colorless necrotic spots show up later, i assume? Several things can cause the burnt tips you see. Mottling happens to older leaves on healthy plants... so kinda depends on how some of this evolved over time. if there are multiple different types of symptoms, i'd wager it's a matter of lockout -- interference in availablility due to how many other things are floating around. ratio balance is as important as concentration (PPM) of any 1 molecule the plant needs (soil is a different animal, but similar concepts at play... can have higher EC in soil/living soil cause a lot of that won't fit in through roots until it is broken down further by mocrobes... soillless is fed with fully chelated/fixated nutes.. ready to be absorbed and used) If imbalance is the cause, it's much easier to fix in soilless than in soil. simply change recipes and if not crazy far off an irrigation or two with 10-15% runoff will drop substrate EC down to new mix levels. if in soil, make sure you let top 1" dry and then irrigate until you get some minimum runoff to ensure the whole thing is evenly saturated. there are hints of overwatering but cannot be certain. Slightly earlier with soilless options, but judge by weight of the pot for best consistency... it'll be a similar volume of water needed at a specific weight.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
BTW, your PH is perfect for growing in soil and just at the top range for coco. Good luck.
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