Hola, necesito un consejo, tengo una planta que en el 3° nudo el apical no formó brote, sino, solo hojas de abanico, por lo que están ganando fuerza los laterales.
La pregunta es, vale la pena seguir cuidandola o será mejor descartarla?
ok its a genetic anomally. it looks like self-topping but usually with self-topping there will be two side shoots and the single apical shoot disappears much like it has been topped but without a scar, perfectly seemless. in this case it seems like it grew a leaf instead.
now if you have the space you can keep it going because you never know what its gonna produce. it may be pure fire it may be a freak with airy buds with low potency. i personally keep the freaks for a while until they fall significantly behind the others, if they do i cull them, if they dont i keep them going.
if you decide to keep it going dont expect much yields because honestly most of the time they dont produce so well and do expect this anomally to show up on other branches as well. so your side shoots may grow another 2-3 nodes and do this or they may not. but it is something to be expected is what i’m saying.
so if you have the space and the curiosity keep it going and if you dont have the space and the curiosity cull it.
Ich persönlich würde sie weiter wachsen lassen.
Das schaut nach einer interessanten Mutation aus!
In der grösse scheint sie sich nicht so stark von den anderen kleinen Ladys zu unterscheiden, die Blätter sind kerngesund. Ich glaube aus ihr wird etwas sehr schönes werden. Sie wächst nur etwas seltsam🤩
Ya I would keep her, What I would do is bend that leaf down out of the way so the side nodes get more light and start to grow. Consider it an early topping :)
Depends what your end game is. If you got room to play around with a mutant for a bit.. go for it. It’s fun to see how these grow out.
If you have a rigid structure and little space for anomalies then kill it off man