
Can i freeze my harvest and dry my buds later? Anyone Experiences?

GroW_o_MaTstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hello, everyone. My harvest is now complete. The grow took a little longer than expected and I'm going on vacation in a few days. That's why I can not dry my harvest properly. Can i freeze my buds and then drying/curing them in 3 weeks? Does anyone have experience with this? Thx
Buds. Other
HyperactiveHighsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Unfortunately, you need to dry them before freezing. If you freeze them before drying the cell walls well rupture due to expanding liquid being frozen, which means the plant matter will basically fall apart and decay into a brown mess.
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Selected By The Grower
GroW_o_MaTanswered grow question 2 years ago
Danke für die Antworten. Hat mir sehr geholfen. Um die Qualität zu erhalten trockne ich eher langsam bei konstanten 21°C in einem Karton. Die Buds sollten in 8 Tagen schon ziemlich getrocknet sein. Normalerweise kann ich dann schon locker die Stengel brechen und es rauchen. Danach friere ich sie in einer Box bei -18°C ein. Danke Spuwuky für den Hinweis mit dem vorher tocknen. War mir nicht sicher, ob es besser ist feucht, oder trocken einzufrieren. Habe mal direkt nach der Ernte ein paar Buds zusammen mit Blättern eingefroren, diese irgendwann wieder aufgetaut und Hasch daraus gemacht. Sahen eigentlich ganz ok aus. Allerdings nicht geraucht. Wird schon klappen.👍 Habe mir schon überlegt, ob nicht meine Nachbarn, die sowieso schon den Garten gießen, auch nicht gleich noch meine Buds trocknen können. 😁 Aber das wird wohl nicht gehen.😟 Danke für die tolle Hilfe Grüße
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
You can always chop her now, cut all the leaves (when you have a drying net I would also cut the buds lose from the branches already). And then let the weed dry as long as possible. Before you leave then you cut the buds up (only buds not sticks and leaves) and put this inside a jar or zipbag and stuff this inside the freezer. Then it is time to enjoy your holiday and relax. When you come home you can make bubble hash from the frozen weed. Really easy to make. If you have questions about how to make this I can show you how to do.
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
you'd have to wait for it to dry out a bit to avoid teh mushy wetness that is.. i misread question slightly. put it in fridgerator? speed dry it? (that will hurt quality of course. definitely don't leave it in a sealed container for 3 weeks if recently dried... it'll smell and taste like shit when you get back.. probably get some sort of lung infection from whatever grew on it. (visible or not... anaerobic bacteria is generally bad news)
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
they will dry in the freezer if you leave them long enough... i've frozen fresh plant material in past for hash runs. it was all in a freezer ziplock bag, too (no open air)... They slowly dry out. Just as your ice cubes slowly dwindle in the freezer if left untouched for long periods of time... nearly all freezers are no-frost... if by chance you do not have a no-frost freezer ymmv... if RH is high, then it will evaporate very slowly.. think of it as freeze drying your weed, poor-man's style. you'd have to observe and somehow measure it (mass would work) to help determine when it is properly dried. somewhere around 1/5th of original weight etc...
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Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
No, they will turn to mush when you thaw them out.
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