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Rot on stalk and branches

masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 3 years ago
Anybody have experience with stem rot? Fusarium or pythiym among other things? I've lost 4 already and this is MY medication and the meds for my cancer ridden glaucomic wife. I need to do the best I can. I used p jelly on stalk could that be it. What do I do?
Week 16
Plant. Stem - Weak
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yikes! I've never dealt with this myself nor do I know of anyone who HAS ... but JUST today I was reading several articles on fungus and that name kept popping up.... here are some links if you haven't tried to find the answer elsewhere: This guy on youtube has a LOT of fairly good vids on cannabis - this is his on fusarium... If you don't want to hear him drone on, this is a good article: The youtube guy has THIS on Pythium: And a really good article on it: GOOD LUCK - omg good luck!
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 3 years ago
Thank you everyone. I washed stems with h202. I bought plant doctor which specifically states it deals with fusarium wilt and pythiym crown rot on medical Marijuana. It's been discontinued and I don't know why but it's systemic and I've heard nothing but good things. I applied the product today. I'll leave this question open for a couple pole more days. Thank you everyone
123Growanswered grow question 3 years ago
I second the recharge wash through your soil. I would also use baking soda/organic dish soap on your stalk. I don’t know about the other remedies listed, but I do know if it reaches the middle, cadmium layer it was called, BURN THE PLANT, discard all soil connected to it. Bleach and sanitize the container ( I would toss that too).
NlBushDoctoranswered grow question 3 years ago
Most fungus moulds can be nutrilized and killed with lactobacillis serum it populates and outcompetes the bad guys like mentioned and kills them it can be given in a foliar and root drench Google it it's a knf input. Also tricaderma fungi is a bennifishal fungi similar to Mycorrhizae but it it's a soldier fungi it with seek out and kill plant pathogens viruses and it also helps the plant uptake nutrients and more. I use both together they kick but no bad fungi moulds botrytis pm pathogen is safe and they will be destroyed before they do any harm to your plant. The tricaderma is in different products like recharge , raw microbes or u can buy pure tricaderma mix it in soil when u do soil mix or transplant, or water it in if using it in recharge or raw etc. The lactobacillis is foliar or water in but for cases like u have I recommend a few good foliar sprays and a couple root drench, always apply lactobacillis right before lights out or sun down, for best results as the lactobacillis bacteria don't like light mainly uv light.
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DutchDoobieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Sterilize area with H202 / water (10% / 90%) or alcohol / water (10% / 90% ). then let it dry out and seal it with pruning grease and hope for the best but its a fungus so its best to treat it with a fungicide Goodluck!
Chucky324answered grow question 3 years ago
Hello. You need some sort of fungicide to help with the fungus. Here's 2 choices that might work for you. Agricultural Sulphur. Sprinkle freely on the stem where the rot is. Try not to get very much on the soil, a little is ok. Put a plastic bag down to catch the excess and use it again. Don't get it on the bud sites 😝 it tastes awful. Use a cotton ball to pat the sulphur where you want, like a ladies compact powder puff. You can buy it at most garden centers. They sell the people grade sulphur at the pharmacy's. It cost just a bit more. Mix Hydrogen Peroxide down to 1% and spray on the moldy area to knock it down. There will be some bubbling, but wash it off quickly if it bubbles alot, might be burning the stock. If the mold has not got to the cadmium layer in the stock (where the sap flows) your plant has a good chance of healing. Both of these will help heal the plant too. You might want to spray the HP first and then apply the sulphur after the bubbling stops. Chuck.
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
If it is indeed Fusarium or pythiym wilt this is something that is in the soil and can not be easily fixed. The soil needs to repair itself and that takes years. I would recommend moving the site to a different location on your yard but do not bring anything from that growing site to the new one and hope for the best. Other options that could help is growing a strain that has higher disease resistant as well as growing in a more controlled environment like indoors. It would be best to burn the plants vs compost them as these types of diseases can survive the composting system and wreak havoc again next year. Adding in lots of beneficial microorganisms to the soil can help out complete the pathogenic ones as well. Best Of Luck! ***disclaimer, multiple people are answering all questions as there is a contest called GOTM, when a user is selected as the answer they get a point. Please see the contest page for information regarding the details: Please note, when you reply to anything on the questions part of Growdiaries website, no one will be notified of this. Not even if you use a "@" tag in their name. Best to reach out to them in DM using your inbox, it can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the site. It's the small paper airplane button, it will be highlighted green if you have new messages***
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