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what's wrong with my weed ?

Weed4Lordstarted grow question 3 years ago
Hello everyone, I have as you can see my weed is burning I have no idea if it's a potassium deficiency due to a bad dosage, because I have the ph perfect grow range, micro and bloom but for the dosage I proceeded by putting more grow than bloom in growth, whereas in the diagram
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
Kolibrianswered grow question 3 years ago
Die Düngesysteme sollten immer nach Schema verwendet werden. Nur weil da Grow oder sonst was daraufsteht solltest Du nicht eigenmächtig abweichen. Du hast jetzt ein Defizit oder eine Überdüngung; ich vermute das Beides zutrifft. Die Nährstoffe in den Systemen von Advanced Nutrients (ich vermute mal Du verwendest diese) sind darauf angewiesen im abgestimmten Verhältnis verwendet zu werden. Wenn man sich nicht daran hält, kristallisieren die Nährstoffe im Wasser, sind nicht mehr für die Wurzeln verfügbar oder es kommt zu ungewollten Überschüssen/Defiziten. Gieß Deine Lösung weg und setz eine neue an, dieses Mal nach Schema! Viel Glück!
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Selected By The Grower
Pjm70answered grow question 2 years ago
Flush and feed at a much lower dose. Not enough info, so probably your best bet.
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Where's the diary for this grow? Don't know if it's an autoflower or photoperiod even... how old is it... is it indoor or outdoor.. what's your pH... how much of what nute are you giving... knowing all these things are going to help us help you... so please start a diary. From what you HAVE told us, though, you probably have a lockout caused by too much nitrogen since you decided she needed more grow nutes than recommended... and if this is an autoflower, one never gives them the recommended dose of anything because they just don't need it and usually react badly to a strong dose of anything... so for now, until you've put together at least a week or two of a diary, I'm going to say you need to do a flush - 3x the water (pH'd) as your pot size... into the last gallon of water, add 1/2 strength nutes (but grow nutes I would cut to 1/4 if I gave them at all).. Start a diary. Help us help you. And good luck!
Weed4Lordanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hello everyone, I have as you can see my weed is burning I have no idea if it's a potassium deficiency due to a bad dosage, because I have the ph perfect grow range, micro and bloom but for the dosage I proceeded by putting more grow than bloom in growth, whereas in the diagram it is the same dose for the 3 products, or is it due to a disease? Because I have all my plants to touch 6 with leaves like that even with a low nutrient dosage I no longer understand anything with its nutrients because I have a plant that is 8 months old and which goes on this 3rd harvest and the same even with a low dosage of 2ml / L of each product the leaves are like that the thing that I noticed is that the veins of the leaf remain green compared to the rest and that if I remove the burnt leaves the next day it is the top leaves starting to burn
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