
Leaves Issue

StealthyBudsstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hello. It is my first grow and I wonder what is this on the leaves and how to fix it. Thanks.
Leaves. Other
DrJonesanswered grow question 2 years ago
As mentioned already, I must agree that this is early signs of calcium deficiency caused by pH lockout. Whatever pH you are adjusting your feed to, you need to make sure the pH of your RUN OFF is within the right range for your medium. That will indicate that your medium is the correct pH and you won’t have to worry about lock out anymore provided you are feeding the correct amounts of nutrients or the medium your are using already has sufficient nutrients for your plant. Hope that helps 👍
StealthyBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Here is the link to the diary - Thank you all so far. Still do not know what to do. There is different opinions. I hope we fix the issue, before it is too late.
StealthyBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
@GrowingGrannie Thank you very much for the information regarding this issue. Do you need to remove the leaves or do anything else than spraying? Also I have 2 plants in the grow tent, but the other does not have these symptoms and is like 4-5 days smaller than this one. Thank you again.
TheBluntBeautyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey Fam She looks rather healthy to me I definitely wouldn’t make any drastic changes in anything your doing you could try increasing her cal mag and see if it helps but I wouldn’t worry to much good luck hope this helps
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Oh - and btw, the long white stripe? Just a mutant discoloration - that is nothing to do with anything! :-D
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
See, now, I'm going to disagree with my growmies here.. I think you've got a couple of issues - in the first picture, you're quite right to notice those small white dots - that is most likely insect issues.. and it looks like aphids or spider mites as opposed to thrips but it doesn't matter... I would get some Dr. Zymes Eliminator and use it as directed (you just spray top and bottom of all leaves as well as stems).... The other spots on the leaves I think are indicative of the beginnings of a calcium deficiency - but I'd need to see a diary before I could tell you what I think you should do about it... calcium deficiencies can be caused by a nitrogen toxicity (which is doesn't really look like you have) ... or the wrong pH. You should check to make sure your pH is between 6.0 and 6.5. None of those spots are going to be "fixed" with either the insecticide (Dr. Zyme's is organic - no worries) or an adjustment of pH - the damage is done - BUT, if you've corrected the problems, there should be no further sign of more trouble... Good luck! Look forward to seeing your diary and welcome to the community!
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
@Organoman is one of few here to whom i would leave my garden to look out, but he sees from doing right perspective, i did many things for very long wrong, so mistakes signs i think, i read better. Ph, make everything about it, at the moment you are escaping or digging yourself deeper.... No doubts girl is nice, but there is few signs to lookout. Create a diary, that way you can add all info.
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StealthyBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
"Chat function is blocked for 24h for new users" - I guess I will have to wait 24h. So this is not a pest issue? Please zoom on the first photo and see there is some white dots that it looks like are spreading. I hope I am wrong. How to attach more pictures from the previous days? The plant is 20 days since germinated and it is Watermelon Auto. This was my second or third feeding and I have watered it a little too much than previous, so it probably got burned. I am using Tripart Micro, Grow and Bloom ( ) + CalMag 0.5ml per 1L. I have used 4 times less than what is on the feeding chart according to this site for autos you should start with 4 times less than photos( ). I still do not know how much to feed it properly. According to the diaries about this strain it is very easily burned and does not need many nutes. Still waiting for my PH meter to be delivered. I am using collected rain water, because they put too much chloride in our water. I do not know what is the PH, but have used rain water for my outdoor plants even without nutes, just rich soild with manure 10 years ago and did not have any issues. But this is my first indoor grow and is way more complicated than growing outdoor. Also my LED light is Mars TS 1000 at 50cm and 50% dimmed. I will create a diary tomorrow when I have the time.
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Your plant is fine, you have nothing to worry about, no plant will ever have 100% perfect leaves, 100% of the time. Your plant looks happy and healthy to me, with no problems that are going to cause any issues. Slight damage to lower leves is common and somewhat expected, usually caused by the leaves hitting the edge of the pot (pics 1 and 2). Pics 4 and 5 show typical leaf "blemishes" that are not caused by anything and can not be fixed. You have nothing to be concerned over.
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AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
to me personally, that's again very light, but first signs of ph issue and arising from that calcium. Start putting right ph , that is the last thing you adjust before putting any mix/ water/ feed into them. Each medium has his own range for soil its 6.3-6.4 for soiless mix, cocomix 5.8-6.0 Ph is one of most important basics which you have to strictly follow ... This platform has chat, bottom corner , small arrow, press it.
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StealthyBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
@AsNoriu I am sorry to as again, but I am a newbie and want to learn and fix my problems. But still have questions. What about picture 1 and picture 2. Can you zoom on picture one and see that there is something like very small dots. Is this PH issue or burn Issue? Thank you again and sorry for the stupid questions.
AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
picture number 5 you see like in picture 4, just here edge goes around and bigger burn, but that yellowing stripe is a sign, i would not worry about it, i would worry about ph
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StealthyBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
@AsNoriu Can you explain to which picture is the problem? I mean "That yelow stripe in leaf, smallest of of small signs of nitrogen toxicity." on which picture is that. And "Those rusty spots - ph issue, causing calcium troubles." on which picture is that. My main concern is the first picture, I thought it was some kind of pest, but I as I have said it is my first grow. Thank you.
AsNoriuanswered grow question 2 years ago
That yelow stripe in leaf, smallest of of small signs of nitrogen toxicity. Those rusty spots - ph issue, causing calcium troubles. Check/correct/make sure you measure right your ph. Happy Growing !!!
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