Hey Growmie, I think you’ve got a Zink Deficiency. Early signs of this occur at the newest growth zones, generally at the top. Shoot tips will wrinkle up close together. Leaves will begin to yellow from the veins out. Zinc is an immobile element, once deposited in the plant, reserves can’t be relocated to parts where there are higher needs, unlike nitrogen and phosphorus. That’s why the the newest growth is most affected. If not addressed, yellowing will lead to some rust-like spotting. The tips and outer margins of the leaves will start shrivelling. This is typically a sign of water Ph issues, which has caused some sort of nutrient lockout (iron, calcium other micro nutrients) . Do a good flush to get rid of salts and minerals, don’t expect them to look great again, most of what you see is not really reversible, but will not get worse. Good luck Growmie! ❤️👊🇨🇦