
Brown patches on Leaves

Bingelingstarted grow question 2 years ago
Brown patches starting to appear again on fan leaves. Im using ph'ed water and have begun giving her nutes since last i saw the problem about a week ago. The problem seemed to go away, but has now returned og the newer leaves. Any ideas? Lower leaf pic is the old damage.
Week 3
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Leaves. Color - Mottling
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Pretty sure what you've done (recalibrated, flushed) will help but don't expect the damaged leaves to look any better because they won't... When you give plain pH'd water, always water them enough to get runoff and check the pH of the runoff.... and try to maintain a pH between 6.0 and 6.5 ... as they get into flower, you're going to want to aim for the sweet spot of 6.2 .... Good luck!
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Selected By The Grower
Eauderayanswered grow question 2 years ago
Well to me it looks like light burn, you can see the stem is all red because of high antioxidants produced in plant to protect against high infra reds and red leds...This should show only when in the flowering cycle week 4 . I think your plant needs to be under lower light settings than she is now. She is going to need 1 + week to recuperate but finger crossed maybe she will just keep on growing like nothing....just keep lights on low or higher above canopy. Good luck!
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yes in soil you want a ph of 6.5. Too strong of nutrients has lowered your pH. Plus if you are adding nutrients throw the run off out. You are having a salt build up from not enough run off which is causing havoc on your soil ph.
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Bingelinganswered grow question 2 years ago
Heres the actions i took upon my discovery: - Recalibrated my ph meter - did a slight flush untill i saw the runoff had a more acceptable ph - re added some of the nutes i had now flushed out Is hope this fixes the issue over the next couple of days
Bingelinganswered grow question 2 years ago
I think i found the culprit, i just measured run off ph, and it was lower than expected (5.8-6) where as I put in 6.6 this time. I may have used to much ph-down with the last watering causing a lockout of some sort. Any thoughts?
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